Test Dictation completely not working

July 27, 2014, 05:41 PM posted in General Discussion

THe dictation on the last 3 lessons i have took tests on is not working. My grade will never be able to go above 90% because of this. 

Please fix this, its one of the hardest and most important part of the tests.

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July 29, 2014, 03:00 AM

Hi James,

1. Would you mind telling me exactly which lesson and which sentence is not working?

2. Are you using pinyin, simplified or traditional chinese?

Thank you,

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July 30, 2014, 06:45 AM

Hi Armel, im using simplified chinese

I just completed another test, this time the lesson is called "attitudes towards religion" 

Its seems like youve fixed most of the audio issues, but in the last two tests i took "number 1" wasnt working on both.

kind regards,



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August 07, 2014, 03:17 PM

hi armel, i just completed another test and the first dictation question is not working still.


THis really really sucks because i got everything else right. so my score was 96% if you fix the first dictation part then ill finally be able to make my first 100!

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Hi James,

I need to know exactly which text is not working, we did some tests and we can reach 100%.

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Hi Armel, if you look at my test history, every single one of the last 5 tests I did had 1-4 dictation parts missing.

The last one i did 5 minutes ago "投资移民" was completely not working.

these are all upper intermediate/ advanced lessons.

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August 12, 2014, 04:21 PM

Same problem here.

But I've only experience this in Chrome (on OSX). Even when ad blockers are all turned off, dictation still does not work.

But it's fine in Safari.

I've only noticed this problem in the last week, which seems to correspond with other UI changes on the site.


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August 12, 2014, 11:21 PM

Just in the interest of testing, checked out dictation test for "投资移民" lesson, 1st sentence would not play, but 2-4 play fine, and can be submitted.

Chrome on Win 7, looks like no problems with internet today