Myspace Moods
July 15, 2007, 12:07 AM posted in General DiscussionMyspace has a new feature were you can specify your current mood. Here are all of them in Chinese along with the English equivalent.
(I had to select each one individually and refresh my profile in English to work them all out.)
下流 - dirty
不满 - discontent
不舒服 - uncomfortable
乏味 - blah
乐观 - optimistic
亢奋 - hyper
令人讨厌 - geeky
傻笑 - giggly
兴奋 - excited
兴高采烈 - high
内疚 - guilty
决意 - determined
冷嘲热讽 - cynical
冷淡 - cold
冷漠 - indifferent
创意 - creative
匆忙 - rushed
印象深刻 - impressed
压力重重 - stressed
压垮 - crushed
压抑 - gloomy
厌恶 - nauseated
发怒 - irate
古怪 - weird
吃饱喝足 - full
同情 - sympathetic
呆子 - dorky
呕吐 - rejected
喜悦 - jubilant
困乏 - sleepy
困惑 - confused
坐立不安 - restless
失意 - frustrated
失望 - disappointed
头晕眼花 - groggy
好奇 - curious
好色 - horny
嫉妒 - jealous
孤独 - lonely
安慰 - relieved
富有造诣 - accomplished
尴尬 - embarrassed
工作中 - working
平和 - peaceful
开心 - amused
忙碌 - busy
快乐 - good
快活 - bouncy
怀旧 - nostalgic
恐惧 - scared
恼怒 - irritated
恼火 - aggravated
悠闲 - mellow
悲伤 - sad
悲哀 - melancholy
悲观 - pessimistic
惊讶 - surprised
愉快 - cheerful
意气消沉 - exanimate
愚蠢 - silly
感动 - touched
感激 - grateful
感谢 - thankful
愤怒 - pissed off
懒惰 - lazy
懒洋洋 - recumbent
放松 - relaxed
无动于衷 - apathetic
无厘头 - ditzy
无精打采 - listless
无聊 - bored
昏睡 - lethargic
暴躁 - grumpy/cranky
有成效 - productive
欣喜 - pleased
沉思 - pensive
沮丧 - depressed
活力四射 - rejuvenated
淘气 - mischievous
深思 - thoughtful
清醒 - awake
渴望 - thirsty
满怀希望 - hopeful
满意 - content
满足 - satisfied
激怒 - enraged
烦恼 - annoyed
热情 - hot
热爱 - loved
焦虑 - worried/anxious
爽朗 - chipper
牢骚满腹 - bitchy
犯错 - devious
狂喜 - ecstatic
狂怒 - infuriated
生气 - angry
生病 - sick
疯狂 - crazy
疲倦 - tired
痛心 - sore
痛苦 - distressed
眩晕 - giddy
着迷 - enthralled
空想 - quixotic
筋疲力尽 - exhausted
精力充沛 - energetic
精疲力竭 - drained
精神振奋 - refreshed
紧张 - nervous
羡慕 - envious
胆怯 - intimidated
自满 - complacent
苦思冥想 - contemplative
茫然 - blank
讨厌 - crappy
讨厌鬼 - nerdy
贪心 - predatory
赞同 - okay
轻浮 - flirty
郁闷 - morose
镇静 - calm
闷闷不乐 - moody
陶醉 - drunk
难以名状 - indescribable
震惊 - shocked
顽皮 - naughty
风雅 - artistic
饥饿 - hungry
高兴 - happy
麻木 - numb

July 15, 2007, 12:54 AMI think if you want to say you're in a particular mood, you can use: 我感到…… wŏ găndào... I feel...

July 15, 2007, 01:41 AMA bit of traditional fun- pun intended 下流 - dirty 不滿 - discontent 不舒服 - uncomfortable 乏味 - blah 樂觀 - optimistic 亢奮 - hyper 令人討厭 - geeky 傻笑 - giggly 興奮 - excited 興高採烈 - high 內疚 - guilty 決意 - determined 冷嘲熱諷 - cynical 冷淡 - cold 冷漠 - indifferent 創意 - creative 匆忙 - rushed 印象深刻 - impressed 壓力重重 - stressed 壓垮 - crushed 壓抑 - gloomy 厭惡 - nauseated 發怒 - irate 古怪 - weird 吃飽喝足 - full 同情 - sympathetic 呆子 - dorky 嘔吐 - rejected 喜悅 - jubilant 困乏 - sleepy 困惑 - confused 坐立不安 - restless 失意 - frustrated 失望 - disappointed 頭暈眼花 - groggy 好奇 - curious 好色 - horny 嫉妒 - jealous 孤獨 - lonely 安慰 - relieved 富有造詣 - accomplished 尷尬 - embarrassed 工作中 - working 平和 - peaceful 開心 - amused 忙碌 - busy 快樂 - good 快活 - bouncy 懷舊 - nostalgic 恐懼 - scared 惱怒 - irritated 惱火 - aggravated 悠閑 - mellow 悲傷 - sad 悲哀 - melancholy 悲觀 - pessimistic 驚訝 - surprised 愉快 - cheerful 意氣消沉 - exanimate 愚蠢 - silly 感動 - touched 感激 - grateful 感謝 - thankful 憤怒 - pissed off 懶惰 - lazy 懶洋洋 - recumbent 放鬆 - relaxed 無動於衷 - apathetic 無厘頭 - ditzy 無精打採 - listless 無聊 - bored 昏睡 - lethargic 暴躁 - grumpy/cranky 有成效 - productive 欣喜 - pleased 沉思 - pensive 沮喪 - depressed 活力四射 - rejuvenated 淘氣 - mischievous 深思 - thoughtful 清醒 - awake 渴望 - thirsty 滿懷希望 - hopeful 滿意 - content 滿足 - satisfied 激怒 - enraged 煩惱 - annoyed 熱情 - hot 熱愛 - loved 焦慮 - worried/anxious 爽朗 - chipper 牢騷滿腹 - bitchy 犯錯 - devious 狂喜 - ecstatic 狂怒 - infuriated 生氣 - angry 生病 - sick 瘋狂 - crazy 疲倦 - tired 痛心 - sore 痛苦 - distressed 眩暈 - giddy 著迷 - enthralled 空想 - quixotic 筋疲力盡 - exhausted 精力充沛 - energetic 精疲力竭 - drained 精神振奮 - refreshed 緊張 - nervous 羨慕 - envious 膽怯 - intimidated 自滿 - complacent 苦思冥想 - contemplative 茫然 - blank 討厭 - crappy 討厭鬼 - nerdy 貪心 - predatory 贊同 - okay 輕浮 - flirty 郁悶 - morose 鎮靜 - calm 悶悶不樂 - moody 陶醉 - drunk 難以名狀 - indescribable 震驚 - shocked 頑皮 - naughty 風雅 - artistic 飢餓 - hungry 高興 - happy 麻木 - numb

July 15, 2007, 06:49 AMItems to consider: rejected as 回絕 nerdy as 怪胎

July 15, 2007, 08:19 AMThat is an incredible list... Saw quite a few for the first time.

July 17, 2007, 10:07 AM我现在感到孤独。

July 17, 2007, 10:11 AMohhhh (I need a girlfriend right now...)
July 17, 2007, 10:24 AM@bazza.. you really have a lot of free time... LOL i guess you are using chinese version of myspace??? i tried it a few times, but can't understand some of the characters...

July 17, 2007, 10:34 AMI get by using Hanzibar. :)
July 15, 2007, 12:25 AMAnother great vocab list. I just added it to my Chinesepod notebook I've been creating. Thanks. Bazaa, I'm a little concerned about you though. Maybe you should step away from the computer once in a while. Ha!