User Comments - paullee100

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Posted on: Buying Fresh Fish in the Market
May 22, 2018, 03:34 AM

Hi, this lesson turned out to be more useful than I thought. Thank you!

I notified some errors in Expansion section. The pinyin for 便宜 is incorrectly written as “biayi” instead of “pianyi.”

Also, the pinyin for 重 is incorrectly written as “chong” (2nd tone) instead of “zhong” (4th tone). Hope these can be corrected.

Posted on: Did It Rain Yesterday?
October 23, 2017, 02:30 AM

Hi, this was another useful and practical lesson. However, I noticed that in the Exam portion, for Question #3 in the Dictation section, if you write:


instead of


The system marks the former answer as “incorrect.” My guess is that other answers where the number is written out in Hanzi instead of in Arabic numbers will also result in the answer being marked incorrect. It would be great if this could be corrected.

Posted on: Classroom Chinese
July 09, 2017, 12:34 AM

Hi, I believe there is an error in the Exercises portion of this lesson or at least a discrepency. The first example for the listening exercise apparently refers back to the example in the Expansion section, i.e. 你的网络没问题吗?

However, the Exercise insists the correction answer is 你的网路没问题吗? I understand that 网路 is the term for Internet used in Taiwan, but given that the Expansion section provides 网络 as the term for Internet, shouldn't this be corrected? 

Posted on: If It Rains, Then What?
July 08, 2017, 11:56 PM

谢谢!Your explanation is really clear and makes perfect sense!

Posted on: If It Rains, Then What?
May 28, 2017, 02:44 AM

Enjoyed this lesson very much. I knew 如果, but didn't really know about 的话。

One discrepancy I noticed in the Expansion section. One of the examples is:


However, the audio actually says, "如果你很有钱的话, 想买什么?”

Does 如果 always need to come at the beginning of the sentence, or can it come directly after the subject?

Posted on: I Can't Afford Cake
May 15, 2017, 04:13 AM

This was a really useful and excellent lesson. I was always a little confused about how to properly use V +  不起。Thank you!

One question about an example in the Grammer section. There is an example sentence there, 他看起来不太高兴. However, when I listen to the pronunciation, it sounds like the speaker pronouncing 高兴 as "gao xiu" instead of "gao xing." Could you please clarify what the correction pronunciation is?

Posted on: It's Not Too Far
April 23, 2017, 04:06 AM

Thanks! I think the examples that I found a bit difficult were the ones in the Grammar section that uses the 才 structure, e.g. 这项工作要大家齐心协力才能完成。Is there a lesson that covers  how to use 才 correctly?

Posted on: It's Not Too Far
April 19, 2017, 06:54 AM

Great lesson!My only comment is that some of the Expansion and Grammar examples are too difficult for an Elementary lesson.

Also, I noticed that in the Grammar section, the audio for the example, "现在是四点半...." is broken.