User Comments - samthomas

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Posted on: Coffee Break Series #9 - Negotiating the Contract
April 29, 2021, 07:11 PM

Really great lesson. Am impressed on improvements. I love the context for words and different examples and acting. Really helpful. Also like the review. Feels like has had input from someone who had learned Chinese as foreign language. Information on superior to subordinate context 9quite common in Chinese and often not clear to learners) very useful. Only criticism is maybe relax a bit so doesn't feel like every word is scripted, but maybe a Western-Chinese cultural difference. I think other cultures are more used to people talking from bullet points rather than scripted.

Posted on: 哪里不一样:发音差异, Part 5
April 14, 2021, 03:38 AM

Such a helpful lesson. The one character plus 儿 words were really helpful. I have seen 今儿 written down but never recognised it in conversation, I thought the were saying 这儿, also 明儿 I misheard as 面儿! The ones with two characters + 儿 a bit easier because there is more of the word you can recognise. Also the change in tone with 儿 I never knew!

Posted on: 哪里不一样:发音差异, Part 5
April 14, 2021, 03:30 AM

Could we have a lesson to practice southern accent sh->s ch->c zh->z l ->n ng ->n etc. I know the rules but I need practice! Especially words with more than one difference I find it hard to recognise. like 流氓 niuman and 政治 zenzi . Maybe could say some words and we can work out what they would be in putonghua before tell us the answer? The other thing I find difficult with northerners is that qi and ji can sound like xi, that makes me get lost too.

Posted on: 吃惊,惊讶,惊人,惊喜
May 14, 2020, 05:25 PM

I think it might help to have a non native speaker help design the explanations or to check with a Chinese learner whether the explanations are accessible. Sometimes the words used to describe vocabulary by native speakers on chinesepod can be more difficult than the words themselves. For example in this you have used 双手合十 , 深有体会。 There's a lot of really useful information in there but I think although upper intermediate learners might understand more difficult vocab written down it is difficult when listening to it and as part of a description of another word. Even vocab like 整容 might need to go into the vocab section for this level. As a native English teacher it is not always clear to me either what it is like to learn English as a foreign language. Hope that helps!

Posted on: Dormitory Drama - Part 2
April 06, 2020, 03:27 AM

Ryan guy sounds like idiot. Seriously why would I worry the girls are feminists?

Posted on: New E-commerce rules in China 有章可循-代购电商法实施
January 21, 2019, 07:56 PM


Posted on: New E-commerce rules in China 有章可循-代购电商法实施
January 20, 2019, 11:30 PM


19:00   ti ji jiaolai

Posted on: My boss is younger than me 打破论资排辈──上司比我年轻
December 22, 2018, 07:15 AM

15.49 没有怨言?

15.51 协调得当的团队 是什么意思?

16.14 揪连?

16.50 牛的鼻子mianbeitaole鼻环

17.01 我们人ya, shourenzhipei

19.04 xinlingjitang

Posted on: My boss is younger than me 打破论资排辈──上司比我年轻
December 22, 2018, 01:59 AM


00.09   初来乍到qingduoduozhijiang?

00.43 你就巩固着看zhu觉得颜值的?

00.50 yi jian 古人 

1:18 一dapipiziyi更年长

1.48 baomao转告一下我就kua她漂亮了

2.18  douying的老板

5.00 为某人tagong

5.22 qu sheng yu 一个职位

5.29 shengxi 的现象

5.51 非常有jianshu

6.20 gaoyue去干活

7.29 他们是yuezhe qu 

7.36 快活死?

8.06 身上zhuanglepamangle对不对

12.22 jushiduoduo

12.35 新的。。。。他要好好的。。。三把火

12.55 有利于baixin的事情

13.02 zhenshuo以下同事

13.20 yushen 

14.24 声调。。。觉得maxiajiang le ma ?

14.44 tiaozheng好心态

14.50 你hui da kuichang 

Posted on: Obsession with mobile games 沉迷游戏──不能自拔
December 11, 2018, 09:11 PM


6.25   (l)yexu英文的合群词语吧。

6.32    gulvxin

14.09 youboyoubian (又薄又变?是什么意思?)

24.10 你凭什么qiao..