Alibaba's IPO and China's Obsession with Apple

This week Jenny and Fiona talk about the recent Alibaba IPO, China's obsession with Apple products and a few web services you need to know in China. 
Here's a list of key words used in the show:  

科技 kē jì : technology
网络公司 wǎng luò gōng sī : web company
路演 lù yǎn : road show
消费者 xiāo fèi zhě : consumer
企业家 qǐ yè jiā : entrepreneur
创业者 chuàng yè zhě : founder, starter
生意 shēng yì : business
美食 měi shí : delicious food
上瘾 shàng yǐn : addicted
淘金 táo jīn : gold digging
淘米 táo mǐ : to wash rice
广交会 guǎng jiāo huì : The China Import and Export Commodities Fair
生态链 shēng tài liàn : eco-chain
果粉 guǒ fěn : Apple fans
肾 shèn : kidney
屌丝 diǎo sī : common people
可穿戴产品 kě chuān dài chǎn pǐn : wearable products
智能硬件 zhì néng yìng jiàn : intelligent hardware
低头族 dī tóu zú : phubber
脸书 liǎn shū : Facebook
禁 jìn : to block
公众号 gōng zhòng hào : public number
么么嗒 me me dā : kisses (on internet)

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Published by David Xu @ September 24, 2014.

Important Chinese Things with Jenny Zhu

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