APEC Blue and Shopping Festival

Now in China, APEC and Double 11 Festival just made this November to be a very busy month for politicians and shopaholics, both are changing people's life as well. Tune in today's show and find out more.

Following are the words we've talked about in this show.

国际 guó jì: international
段子 duàn zi: joke, parody
雾霾 wù mái: smog
伸手不见五指 shēn shǒu bú jiàn wǔ zhǐ: too dark to see one's own fingers
限行 xiàn xíng: traffice limitation and regulation
情商 qíng shāng: EQ
习大大 xí dà da: nickname for Xi Jin Ping, China's president
本土 běn tǔ: local, domestic
亲民 qīn mín: to love people like one's own family, people first
血拼 xuè pīn: a funny expression of shopping
双十一 shuāng 
shí yī: 11th of November, Cinese online shopping day
光棍节 guāng gùn jié: single's day
红包 hóng bāo: red envelop, cash packge
天猫 tiān māo: tmall.com
海淘 hǎi táo: shopping overseas
剁手 duò shǒu: to chop off one's hand
电闸 diàn zhá: power switch 




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Published by David Xu @ November 25, 2014.

Important Chinese Things with Jenny Zhu

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