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Venice flooding 洪水猛兽--威尼斯水灾 Upper Intermediate PREMIUM

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Venice flooding 洪水猛兽--威尼斯水灾 Upper Intermediate PREMIUM

There have been several natural disasters in several parts of the world with major destruction and damage. Venice experienced a heavy rainfall that led to serious flooding in most parts of the city. This lesson uses the Chinese idiom 洪水猛兽 to describe how heavy floods caused a major disaster in the city. 最近,世界各地都有不同的自然灾害发生,对各国都造成了很严重的损失,威尼斯更是遭遇了一场暴雨,导致大部分城市被淹。本课用洪水猛兽这个成语引入主题,意思是比喻极大的祸害。 最近,世界各地都有不同的自然災害發生,對各國都造成了很嚴重的損失,威尼斯更是遭遇了一場暴雨,導致大部分城市被淹。本課用洪水猛獸這個成語引入主題,意思是比喻極大的禍害。

Zeng, Mikkelson
Upper Intermediate
news, current events, natural disaster

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