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身份盗窃 | 身份盜竊
shēn fèn dào qiè
  1. 1 identity theft
满身尘埃 | 滿身塵埃
mǎn shēn chén āi
  1. 1 dusty
人头狮身 | 人頭獅身
rén tóu shī shēn
  1. 1 sphinx
擦身而过 | 擦身而過
cā shēn ér guò
  1. 1 to brush past
替身演员 | 替身演員
tì shēn yǎn yuán
  1. 1 substitute actor (esp. in fights of theatrical stunts)
  2. 2 stuntman
身陷牢狱 | 身陷牢獄
shēn xiàn láo yù
  1. 1 to go to prison
  2. 2 to be imprisoned
身陷牢笼 | 身陷牢籠
shēn xiàn láo lóng
  1. 1 fallen into a trap
以身相许 | 以身相許
yǐ shēn xiāng xǔ
  1. 1 to give one's heart to
  2. 2 to devote one's life to
黄袍加身 | 黃袍加身
huáng páo jiā shēn
  1. 1 lit. to take the yellow gown (idiom)
  2. 2 fig. to be made emperor
  3. 3 to take the crown
浑身上下 | 渾身上下
hún shēn shàng xià
  1. 1 all over
  2. 2 from head to toe
随身听 | 隨身聽
suí shēn tīng
  1. 1 Walkman (trademark)
  2. 2 portable stereo
热身赛 | 熱身賽
rè shēn sài
  1. 1 exhibition game
单身贵族 | 單身貴族
dān shēn guì zú
  1. 1 fig. unmarried person
  2. 2 single person (especially one who is comfortable financially)
飞身翻腾 | 飛身翻騰
fēi shēn fān téng
  1. 1 flying somersault
浑身解数 | 渾身解數
hún shēn xiè shù
  1. 1 to give it your all
  2. 2 to go at it with all you've got
  3. 3 to throw your whole weight behind it
  4. 4 also pr. [hún shēn jiě shù]
奋不顾身 | 奮不顧身
fèn bù gù shēn
  1. 1 to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers
  2. 2 regardless of perils
身负重伤 | 身負重傷
shēn fù zhòng shāng
  1. 1 seriously injured
身强力壮 | 身強力壯
shēn qiáng lì zhuàng
  1. 1 strong and vigorous
  2. 2 sturdy
  3. 3 robust