This is the ChinesePod Beta Program Room, a space where you can share your experiences and suggestions, report any bugs and issues, and meet fellow testers in the ChinesePod community.
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Build 33 Same issue
The app got Crashed When we turn to video to landscape mode.
Report Bugs Jun 10, 2022

Build 33 New Update
In build 33, there is a new update that we can play lessons in audio-only aside from video. And it's working pretty well.
Community Jun 10, 2022

New member here
Hi, I am here to tell you guys about my experience with Cpod. It was amazing, I just love the app and Cpod content. Even we can Practice how to write in chinese.
Community May 28, 2022

Cpod App logout issue
When I try to log out from the app it let me but when I try to close the app it is stuck and doesn't let me close the app. There should be a proper popup message for closing the app.
Suggestions May 28, 2022

CPod Terms and conditions page
In Terms and conditions, Options were not aligned and auto-adjust with my phone screen
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

Add vocab in deck is not working
When I try to add the vocab in deck app just don't let me.
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

Writing section setting option is not working
When I click on a writing section for setting it show me this
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

Facebook feature is not working
when user try to login through facebook app should let the user avail this facilty
Suggestions May 28, 2022

Ideally, app should not get crash and show full screen on landscape tapping on full screen button.
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

Ideally, app should not get crash and show full screen on landscape tapping on full screen button.
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

Ideally, app should not get crash and show full screen on landscape tapping on full screen button.
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

Ideally, app should not get crash and show full screen on landscape tapping on full screen button.
Report Bugs May 28, 2022

ChinesePod Express App 1.0.3 Build 30
Place any issues and suggestions for the newest version of the ChinesePod Express App 1.0.3 Build 30. Uploaded May 26, 2022
General May 26, 2022

ChinesePod 1.0.3 Build: 28 - CPod Writing Practice issue.
I recently downloaded the newest version available. I was under the assumption that a new function was added. However, I cannot use it any longer. The page that used to show the characters is not loading anymore. It appears to be blank.
I can only access the writing practice when I do it directly from the lessons screen. The Writing screen is dead.
Report Bugs May 14, 2022

Lessons' dialogues bug
I have been taking the basic level lessons and found that Pinyin Program #3 has an error where some of the dialogues clearly have a sound file. However, they have no text attached to them. They look like white boxes. In Pinyin programs 1 and 2, the dialogue options have romanized characters to imitate the sounds, perhaps something similar should be done in this faulty lesson.
Report Bugs May 13, 2022
Latest Feedbacks
May 28th 2022
Welcome, I am also new here.
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vermaaakash123413 May 15th 2022
Your welcome!
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rrof9243 May 15th 2022
I noticed this version allows you to do it now. Thank you! It is much more convenient!
rrof9243 May 15th 2022
The function is not working at all for me. What should I do?
Has anyone been able to find a solution? I updated to version 28 and no character is loading from the writing section. -
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rrof9243 May 15th 2022
For this lesson, I tested every character and this is what I got:
Working Characters: 你, 做, 不, 那, 是, Not working characters: 甚麼, 工作, 大學生 Maybe it can help you to detect what is going on. -
rrof9243 May 15th 2022
I have been testing this more. It does not matter whether I use traditional or simplified characters. It seems that there is a specific list of characters available.
I attached pictures of the same lesson using both styles. However, only two characters are available. The other four get stuck loading forever. It does not matter if I use simplified or traditional characters anyway. -
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rrof9243 May 14th 2022
The new version now allows you to use your google account! I have not tried using Facebook, but my google credentials worked great!
rrof9243 May 14th 2022
Even those from the most basic lessons are having the same issue. This screenshot is from the hello and goodbye lesson.
rrof9243 May 14th 2022
I am also facing the same issue as you. I took the liberty of taking some screenshots from the first sentence in lesson two. Only 1 of the three characters appears.
I hope you can solve this issue. It is a very good function! -
roger22 May 14th 2022
I kept testing the function, directly from the lesson screen.
In the picture, you can see that the new function works. However, not every character is loading. It seems to be a common problem across different lessons. I attach screenshots from lesson one. only Hen and Ni load, while other characters get stuck loading forever. -
roger22 May 14th 2022
I kept testing and realized that Pinyin Programs #6, #7, and #8 also have the same issue.
It seems that also the website version is missing the text. It would be great for learners to be able to see the combinations of pinyin that make the sound (For example, Da, Ta, Na, La, etc.). -
roger22 May 13th 2022
I found the same problem as you did with Pinyin Programs #3, #4, and #5. I will keep testing the following lessons to report back other issues.
rrof9243 May 13th 2022
Small visual suggestions:
1. You should add a visual aid that lets you know when you have already passed a lesson. I know there is a complete lesson inside each lesson. However, I feel it would be better if users did not have to load every lesson over and over to check whether they already passed it or not. For example, you could change the color of the lesson's banner or darken it once it has been completed. That way, users would save time. 2. When the introduction text fits the limit of the app, it should not show the collapse/expand arrow. For example, in the lesson saying goodbye, from the newbie's area, the text is not long. However, it still shows an interactive button that makes me think perhaps there is some text missing. It gives the users the idea that the text files are either missing or not loading. When in fact they are complete. -
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rene01039222 May 8th 2022
Yes! That would be a great way to easily show the errors.
Additionally, I would love to be able to add multiple pictures when adding a new topic. As of right now, I can only do that when I reply to a comment. It is strange that I cannot do it on the actual topic creation page. Sometimes I need to upload more than one to show a point. Being able to upload a video would be even better. Great Idea! -
rene01039222 May 8th 2022
CPod Writing UI suggestion.
It would be great if you could add any visual aid to characters one has already mastered (Getting all the strokes right at least a couple of times). As of right now, all of them look the same. No matter If I already did them 100 times or 0 times. Maybe you could put a start or a check next to the character, or change its color so the user can focus on the ones he or she has not mastered yet.