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ID: 0182 Advanced
Wed Jul 19 2006 | Jenny, Connie
Awesome Materials
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in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a
podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues,
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Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with
definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You
will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance.
Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
门禁 | ménjìn | curfew | |
当家 | dāngjiā | manage household affairs | |
里里外外 | lǐlǐwàiwài | inside and outside | |
所谓 | suǒwèi | so-called |
呀,已经 10点 了,我 要 回家 了。不然 我 妈妈 会 骂 我 的。
yā ,yǐjīng shí diǎn le ,wǒ yào huíjiā le 。bùrán wǒ māma huì mà wǒ de 。
Uh oh, it's already 10 o'clock. I'm going home. Otherwise, my mom will yell at me.
不 是 吧?都 什么 年代 了,你们 家 还 有 门禁?况且 你 都 二十多岁 了,早 就 应该 独立自主 了,你 妈妈 怎么 还 管 你 管 得 这么 严格?
bù shì ba ?dōu shénme niándài le ,nǐmen jiā hái yǒu ménjìn ?kuàngqiě nǐ dōu èrshí duō suì le ,zǎo jiù yīnggāi dúlìzìzhǔ le ,nǐ māma zěnme hái guǎn nǐ guǎn de zhème yángé ?
You're kidding, right? What era are we living in-- your family still has a curfew? And furthermore, you're more than 20 years old. You should have been free a long time ago. How can your mom still keep you on such a tight leash?
哎,我 父母 的 思想 比较 传统,家教 一直 是 很 严 的。我 和 妹妹 每天 晚上 十点 以前 一定要 回家,出去 玩 也 必须 先 和 家里 说。
āi ,wǒ fùmǔ de sīxiǎng bǐjiào chuántǒng ,jiājiào yīzhí shì hěn yán de 。wǒ hé mèimei měitiān wǎnshàng shí diǎn yǐqián yīdìng yào huíjiā ,chūqù wán yě bìxū xiān hé jiālǐ shuō 。
Oh, my parents' thinking is pretty traditional. My upbringing was always quite strict. My sister and I always had to be home before ten o'clock, and we always had to tell our parents before going out.
是 吗?那 你们 家 是 谁 当家?你 妈妈?
shì ma ?nà nǐmen jiā shì shéi dāngjiā ?nǐ ?
Really? So who's in charge of your house? Your mom?
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary
directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also
listen to each sentence as an individual recording to
improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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