Relevant Content
We'll always make sure you know exactly what the lesson is about. You will easily understand whether it is relevant for you.


Great Hosts
Here at ChinesePod, all our lessons are presented in an entertaining manner by our great hosts. You'll find language learners, teachers, and even professors sharing their insights, ideas, and teaching methods in our video and audio lessons.
Brief Lesson Summaries
A brief introduction of the lesson will always tell you what this lesson is about and what language level is the intended target. If you're interested in the subject, but might not be able to understand it in full, fear not; we have transcripts of lesson dialogues vocabulary so you can follow along.
ID: 1216 Media
博客是个好东西。无论是谁,都可以在上面说自己想说的话,发表观点,交流思想。今天我们要来看一个来自农村但在城里打工的小伙子的博客。他把矛头对准了城里的女孩,并给出了坚决不娶城里女孩的几大理由。他说的有道理?城里的女孩真的那么恐怖吗?你是否支持他的观点呢?快来Chinesepod说说你的理由吧。 来源链接: 80后民工开博炮轰城里人 | 万小刀的博客
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
讽刺 fěngcì satire; to mock
一无是处 yīwúshìchù without merit
塑造 sùzào to portray
诗意 shīyì poetic sentiments
zhè piān kèwén méiyǒu duìhuà 。
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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