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ID: 2670 Advanced
日常生活的沟通上,说错话、表错情总是会带来不少麻烦,而政府官员、公众人物的言谈,更是会被放大检视。中国有句俗话说 “言者无心,听者有意” 就把这种因言语而产生的误会表达得很透彻。今天的课程里,就让我们来看看,政治人物说错话时,到底该怎么替自己 “圆一圆”?又会引起人民什么样的反应呢?
Awesome Materials
Our lessons contain natural communication in Chinese in video and audio format. We have have lessons focused on video or a podcast format and our lessons have transcripts of Lesson Dialogues, Important Vocabulary, Expanded Materials for a deep dive into the lesson topic and Exercises focused on testing your retention.
Detailed Vocabulary
Each lesson has it's unique vocabulary and will provide you with definitions and recordings so you can practice the pronunciation. You will also be able to grasp the core material of a lesson at a glance. Here we're showing you the Simplified Chinese version.
失言 shīyán to shoot your mouth off; to make a gaffe
日前 rìqián the other day
地方首长 dìfang shǒuzhǎng local senior official
视察 shìchá inspection; visit; to inspect
guānyuán yòu shīyán ,rìqián dìfang shǒucháng shìchá shuǐzāi shòuzāi dìqū shí ,yī jù “jiào wǒ lái néng zuò shénme ?”yǐnqǐ xuānrándàbō ,wǎngmín fēnfēn shàngwǎng liúyán ,biǎoshì yīnggāi xuǎn tā wèi “niándù zuì chéngshí guānyuán ”,jīntiān shāozǎo ,yú xiànfǔ zhàokāi jìzhěhuì ,wǒmen lái kàn kan xiànchǎng de huàmiàn 。
Another official has been shooting his mouth off recently, with the line "What did you expect me to be able to do when you asked me to come here?" whilst visiting an area affected by floods creating a storm of comments online, with netizens saying that he should be voted the most honest official of the year. Let's have a look at the press conference called by the county government.
zhēnduì rìqián fāyán zāo méitǐ péngyou duànzhāng qǔyì ,běnrén gǎndào shífēn yíhàn 。dàn duìyú yīncǐ xīnlǐ shòudào shānghài de zāimín ,běnrén yóuzhōng dàoqiàn 。dāngshí de yìsi ,shì yào qǐng zāimín yǐjí wǒmen dì yī xiàn de tóngliáo tíchū jùtǐ xūqiú ,ér fēi xiāofèi zāimín ,běnrén jìrán shēnwéi dìfang shǒuzhǎng ,dāngrán yào yǔ mínzhòng zhàn zài yīqǐ ,xīwàng néng yǒu jùtǐ zuòwéi 。
It pains me that my comments were taken out of context by the media, but I would like to extend a heartfelt apology to any flood victims who felt hurt as a result. At the time, I was asking flood victims and rescue workers on the front line to come up with actual demands. I wasn't trying to use the flood victims and as a member of the local leadership. Of course I should stand shoulder to shoulder with the public and do something substantive for them.
suǒyǐ xiànzhǎng nín shì fǒurèn shīyán yīshì ma ?
So you're denying that you made a slip of the tongue?
wǒ méiyǒu fǒurèn wǒ shuō guò de huà ,dànshì qǐng búyào qūjiě wǒ de yìsi 。
I didn't deny what I said, but please don't twist my words.
Natural Dialogues
Each lesson is centered around a natural dialogue with key vocabulary directly prepared and translated for your use. You can also listen to each sentence as an individual recording to improve your listening and comprehension skills.
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