Use of to practice speaking
September 21, 2010, 07:41 PM posted in General Discussion

Dear Chinesepoders, 

Recently, we've got emails from users reporting that they can't record their voice when using to import and practice speaking. 

We've now identified the problem. When you first enter the practice screen, the system would prompt you to enable flash access to your microphone. Please make sure you tick the allow access and at the same time check the remember box. The following link is the image showing exactly what this is all about:

We would explicitly include this message to remind users in the new release expected on Sep 28th 2010. Again thanks for all the supports, comments and advices! Further comments and advices would be more than welcome!


Best regards, AIChinese Team

--------------------------- is an online spoken Chinese practice system developed by AI Speech Ltd. The core concept is that learners can practice their speaking anytime and get immediate, accurate, expert-like feedbacks via state-of-the-art speech recognition technology. It comes with Basic Chinese I and II covering 1000 words, 500 phrases/sentences in 50 scenes. Working closely with, AIChinese also allows you import and learn with the 1900 plus lessons. 

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