many international famous brand in China
October 06, 2010, 07:11 AM posted in General DiscussionLeather bags market survey and analysis
A few years ago bag export very prosperous. Despite the bags of popular, is largely dependent on the international market in the higher bags, such as brand awareness louis vuitton bags,chanel bags,Gucci bags,replica bags, But this year the red bag still can start the work reflects China's export predictor.
The huge market demand of international cases in space, it is pulled products are exported to strong growth of cases directly. Our country is bags (travel products and the production and export of cases) in China last year, a total of export bags 73.1 billion, accounting for global supply amount of 1/4 above. Current and developed countries and regions in the bags, leather imported from already the import volume of 70%, many international famous brand in China is the brand production louis vuitton bags.
Second, our bags industry development situation
As people life and consumption levels rising, all kinds of louis vuitton bags have become indispensable ornaments. Around People not only in practical cases on products, adornment sex is expanding. According to the consumer tastes change, bags, leather qualitative more diverse, PU, polyester and cotton canvas, such texture fashion tidalcurrent.the Women's Designer Handbags. At the same time, in the era of personality and flaunt, contracted, restore ancient ways, cartoon and other kinds of style and fashion person from different aspects of the individuality demand. Cases of the traditional design also bags, business, and to the pen bag, zero purse, small joss-stick bag etc. The international market demand of existing huge box directly promoted our space, product export growth of suitcases and bags export has made steady growth of good tendency louis vuitton bags.
China now has the PVC bags manufacturing base. A HuaDouShi by guangdong shiling town as the center, in the pearl river delta, radiation for foreign high-grade bag manufacturing base. Its 90% of our products are exported to European and American market, China's PVC bags industry leaders ";" 2 in fujian quanzhou as the center, Taiwan, HongKong is subject to the high-grade PVC bags manufacturing base. Far more than 1000 enterprises, the annual output more than 80 billion yuan, accounting for approximately 40% of the total, 3 in zhejiang pinghu as the center of Yangtze river delta region, Four, hebei is the field with the 1990s engages the successful experience, the nation's largest PVC bags into professional market, drive the surrounding provinces, and promote the development of related enterprise new industry. Look from exports, and guangdong, zhejiang, fujian, Shanghai for my bags export main provinces and cities. 1-5 months above four provinces bags exports sum total export of suitcases, depend 74.94% louis vuitton bags.
Third, our bags industry risks .
Although our bags, but still flourishing export situation in the behind of the three risks. The rising cost of enterprise business ability weakened dramatically, With low content of technology of products to overseas market competition to trigger anti-dumping investigation and encounter trade barriers, Domestic box, no industry development relatively independent brand. These factors are not good for our bags the healthy growth of the industry replica bags.
First, by rising prices of raw materials, production cost increase greatly.
Currently the main raw materials for producing bags have dacron cloth and PVC, PU membrane etc, these materials are produced by oil, with soaring oil prices in recent years, PU price rises in 2002, compared with 50%, PVC, dacron cloth bag products and auxiliary materials, zipper, buckle etc price than in 2005, up 5-10%. All kinds of raw material prices make enterprise cost on average about 20% of ascension, profits for enterprises constitute huge bag cost pressures.
Secondly, bag belong to low technology, low value-added products, more volunable vulnerable to anti-dumping investigations and various trade barriers replica handbags.
Along with the people environmental protection consciousness, the enhancement of health consciousness, product quality and more bags, people in choosing cases more inclined to choose environmental protection, safety, portable products. Some experts in future years, also export to eu bags, and the growth space I lose ou bags of product, price, is almost eu supplier of outside the lowest price bags, women's Louis Vuitton Handbags not even a fraction of the price of similar products in India. In the first year to improve product safety standards, bags, REACH new chemical registration, empower and evaluation system, this system to strengthen the inside of au containing chemicals and chemical products to the market requirement, the control of the product must enter the union than current cases of chemical content more strict test detection. The European Union's safety standards to improve not only for the export of products of suitcases, meanwhile, the potential barriers to trade and increasing cost Women's Designer Handbags.
On the other hand, our products are exported to the bags are still low price occupy the European Union, the United States and other international market share, too low prices easily cause foreign anti-dumping investigation. In fact a few years ago the European Union has proposed the bags on China's export anti-dumping investigation. Though our enterprise wins, but still exist again by adopting trade relief measures replica bags.
Once again, our bags of establishing the independent brand, industrial no lack of systematic mode of production louis vuitton bags.
Our export products, labor-intensive bags leather has become a prominent products. At present the export products mostly belongs to low-end products bags, and high value-added products and high-tech enterprises, the less of intellectual property protection consciousness, imitation, innovation, DaLuHuo much less, brand, more competitive price with foreign trade competition in the market. In China, the main production export cases of four province has big bag production scale, but the lack of systematic overall production mode, soho has a large scale, and our bags industry development status in China, will not limit bags industry development. Our r&d capability and bags industries are not concentrated industrial development industry increased risk.replica bags .
Therefore, our country should improve bags enterprise of independent research and development capacity and technical level, the enhancement enterprise's marketing ability, expand export channels, to further accelerate the pace of the world, and gradually realize by product output to the capital output, brand in China, is the output must go next bags enterprises, otherwise we will always enslaved, foreign buyers of the production workshop, Improve the product specification and value-added, As soon as serious lack of torsional bags brand, creating a situation at home and abroad to the famous brand name rings, enhance the international competitiveness of products, Also pay close attention to the international safety standard, to avoid detection, the trade friction.
Four, our box should go independent brand development road
At present, the world every two suitcases in China is made by China has accounted for global gross supply bags of more than a quarter. But about the famous brand in the international market, bags blurt out is a Louis vuitton, warren tino etc, but not a Chinese brand. China wants to work activities, must implement the brand. This is China's work to achieve sustainable healthy development needs, is China's work to a higher level, is the needs of the development of China's work with various non-tariff barriers Wholesale women shoes.
As a traditional labor-intensive industries, China's work is low in quantity, the price is low, the development mode, profits, make product in design innovation, marketing, training talents, the brand construction, etc, the lack of necessary inputs to the enterprise can only survive in low-grade markets or for others do processing. In recent years, as raw materials, transportation, water, electricity, etc, the rising cost of enterprise's profit space more and more small, market fluctuations, vulnerable to a bigger impact. Therefore, the implementation of brand development, has become a bag production enterprise &development key Wholesale women shoes.
In order to encourage enterprises to develop their own brand development, the ministry of commerce recently unveiled brand promotion system construction of several opinions. Moc, under the same conditions, the priority of the arrangement for the independent brand products will use and rejuvenating trade through science and technology fund, the product research and development aid and special fund to obtain loans, etc. The ministry of commerce will establish "brand development fund", dedicated to support business activities within the territory of the brand construction, organization independent brand enterprises to attend exhibitions, display and promote the brand enterprise in abroad, support registered trademark, patent and the domestic and foreign relevant certification and intellectual property rights disputes. Published in several opinions, ministry of finance policy decisions related to improve and promote China exim bank credit policy in the independent brand enterprises, to promote China's export credit insurance company will be independent brand enterprise as "key support for customers", the development of independent brand building cover insurance products and mode of independent brands enterprise develop provide financial support. This series of measures to guide our bags, powerful enterprises create your own brand development, at the same time also has a lot of international brand competition, such as shoes. Wholesale women shoes, Designer shoes wholesale, Christian Louboutin pumps, Christian Louboutin Boots, Tory Burch Shoes, Replica Lanvin Shoes, replica Gucci Shoes, replica Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton Shoes, Yves saint Laurent, replica vivienne westwood shoes, replica alexander mcqueen shoes.
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