October 10, 2010, 08:13 PM posted in General DiscussionWell there appears to be little activity in the UK group but I wondered if there were truly no UK Cpodders out there.
I'm pretty sure there are a few others that share the challenge of learning Mandarin in a country that provides little opportunity for it! Maybe we can start up some conversations in Chinese about living in the UK?

I did a search for any classes around here and all I found was one 10week complete beginner course. I'm a bit further along than that and really need something that adds conversation rather than how to say good morning :-)
I had wanted to learn for a long while then found CPod, so I've learnt from here and with a few dozen books off of Amazon :-)

One thing I did find around Huddersfield was that they have a Chinese center open to everyone but obviously has a large immigrant membership.
I never did get around to going since I moved out here at pretty short notice but there seemed to be lots of things going there from general get togethers to English and Mandarin. Perhaps there might be something similar around Brighton?
If all else fails it would only be, what, maybe a 10-12hour drive north to get to Huddersfield for you ;)

Wow. Someone else from the Paris of the North. Small world.

:-) not that long but way more than my missus would allow for a night out....
I'm just going to keep on hanging about with all you cpodies, I recon I should get a bit better if I just keep going ;-)

ha, so it seems! Paris of the north, I like that.
Where abouts in glorious Kirklees you from? It seems the amount of Northerners learning Chinese has gone up by 100% since last estimates.

That's what Stephen Dorrell (former heritage secretary) called old Hudders. I lived in the Home Valley for most of the time, Kirkburton and Lockwood. Most people aren't aware of our pivotal position in british history, which is a shame.
October 11, 2010, 02:06 AMHey Trevorb...
I'm from the UK but currently living in Taiwan. I've only been in Taiwan for under a year so perhaps I'm not that out of touch with the UK scene.:)
I know what you mean about limited oppertunities to learn. I tried looking around to places to start learning a few months before I left for Taiwan as a crash course but really came up short.
It was only really thanks to CPOD that I was not completely overwhelmed by starting off and it remains the only website I have ever subscribed to.