One-Way Street Scuffle
November 09, 2010, 06:11 PM posted in Transcripts with TalHello, again. Here's my work on the recent Intermediate Level lesson, One-Way Street Scuffle
I'll paste the content of the transcript as a reply to this post; I'm still trying to find my way around in zoho, but I've hopefully got the document up there as well. Look for it at
Any and all suggestions or corrections are most welcome. I do think it is harder to do the proofreading end of this exercise; the transcribing isn't as daunting.
Here, hopefully, is an rtf version of the transcript with corrections. (If it shows up, Paul gets credit for helping me figure out how to post it.)
One-Way Street Scuffle
Corrections by paulinurus on 11/7/10 appear in blue
Questionable transcriptions appear in red
A: 你们两个怎么回事?
A:你们别吵! 一个一个说,我要做记录。
JZ:大家好,这里是Chinesepod. I'm Jenny.
JP:Hey, guys, I'm John and this is an Intermediate Lesson.
JP:Alright, so we're on the street, and we're talking about a one way street scuffle here.
JZ:哦,对。那你刚刚说的“one way street”; 中文叫做“单行道,单行道。”
JP:Okay, so that's almost a word for character translation, isn't it?
JP:Yeah, like to move, to proceed. Okay, and then...
JP:Okay, so it's the street. So, one-way street is...
JP:Alright, first, second, fourth tone, right?
JP:And today a lot of the dialogue is not about the one-way street itself, but about what happened on the one-way street.
JP:Yeah, so people are getting kind of angry at each other and saying some not nice things.
JZ: 对。
JP:Alright, here we go. Dialogue coming up.
DIALOGUE 1:09 to 1:53
JP:So, Jenny, when we first start we hear someone inquiring into the situation, right?
JP:Okay, so police.
JP:Okay, so he sees two people are arguing, 吵架,right?
JP:And he asks them....
JP:Okay, now this phrase, 怎么回事,um, the words seem pretty simple, like 'how' , 'return', 'thing' or 'affair'; how do we understand this phrase?
JP:Okay, so 'what happened'?
JP:Now, I might expect the police to ask, "怎么了", like "what happened", "what's wrong?"
JZ:那“怎么了”和 “怎么回事”比一起来,呢,“怎么回事”更加强调到底发现了什么事。
JP:Okay, so if you compare the two, "怎么回事" emphasizes what happened.
JP:So asking "怎么了" is more like "what's the matter", explaining how you feel, you're own view point..
JP:Ok, I see. So "怎么回事", "what's the situation", "what's the deal", "what's going on".
JP:Okay, so he's driving, but he's not just driving, he's ...
JP:Okay, 乱,fourth tone. Now this word 乱by itself can mean "messy", "chaotic", right?
JP:It can be an adjective.
3:47JZ:那么这个“乱”当它和动词放在一起用的时候,呢,意思就是你“ignore rules”。
JP:Alright, so you put it before a verb, it means you're doing something without regard for the rules, maybe without regard for safety, or other people. The dictionary might say "indiscriminately doing something."
JP:Okay, so "reckless driving" is “乱开车”。And what is the result of this kind of driving?
JP:Alright, let's look at the end of the sentence first. It is...
JP:So, hit and kill me.
4:24JZ:对,那“撞死”就是很清楚的告诉你这个结果。这个结果有可能是把人别人撞死了, 对吧,造成他们死亡。
JP:Okay, so we have the verb, 撞,which is fourth tone, followed by the result which is 死,so 撞死 means to hit someone and kill them.
JZ:对的。那么“差点儿撞死我,差点儿”,其实是"fortunately" , 对吧。你刚刚很有可能差一点儿就撞死我。
JP:Yeah, 差一点儿literally means 'lacking a little bit.'
JP:Like you were just short of hitting me and killing me. So, in English we would normally say "You almost hit and killed me."
JZ:嗯,对,那中文,呢, 这个“almost”就是“差点儿”,“你差点儿撞死我”。
JP:Now the question is, is it "you almost hit me" or "you almost hit me (that) which led to my death"?
JP:Okay, so "I didn't hit you". Now here we have another result indicated by...
JZ:撞到。我没撞到你 。
JP:Okay, so 撞到 means successfully hit, or hit to completion.
JZ:对,是的。这个“到”其实就是说你有没有碰到,有没有come into contact.
JP:Okay, so 撞到means a hit, made contact.
JP:Not just almost hit, tried to hit, but hit and made contact. So, in this case...
JP:Okay, so "I didn't hit you". Notice he didn't deny driving like a maniac.
JP:But I didn't hit you. Now, can you just say "我没撞你”。
JP:It's not as clear?
JP:So it's almost like he's admitting he "almost" hit him, but he didn't touch him.
JP:Got it.
6:34JZ:“我没撞到你”。那么 碰到 这样的事情另外一个人,她肯定是很害怕了,她说“当时吓死我了,当时吓死我了”
JP:Okay, so “吓死我了”,scared me to death?
JP:So it's a time. So this "当时”, that "当” refers to "that", like "at that time".
JP:Okay, so "at the time, you almost scared me to death."
JP:So, to have a car, just wonderful?
JZ:这个“了不起”就是你觉得你自己是“big deal, big shot”。
JP:So, the translation in natural English would be something like, "You think you're so great just because you have a car?"
JZ:对,“有车就了不起吗?” 那这个我们北美,特别是北美的,听众听起来可能觉得很好笑,啊,有一个车有什么了不起,但是在中国有很多人没有车,那有车可能是代表你比较有钱。
JP:Okay, so in China, as opposed to North America, having a car is kind of a status symbol. A lot of people don't have cars.
JP:So, someone without a car could accuse someone with a car of thinking they're hot stuff because they have a car.
JP:Alright, so we're omitting "you think that"...
JP:Okay, just because you have a car, 就 emphasizes the result: you're so amazing, you're so great.
JP:So, 开车, like, when you're driving, and then when you're driving, what?
JP:So you don't grow eyes.
JP:Okay, so this one it's best not to look at too literally; it's more like in English, when you're driving you're not looking where you're going.
JP:So, you can't translate "not looking where you're going" literally into Chinese. You have to translate it as...
JZ:开车不长眼睛。不长眼睛。但是其实 John 你刚刚说那个英文“not looking where you're driving"; 这个听起来就是还是比较 neutral, 对吧,不是很 offensive,应该不是骂 人的话。
JP:It's not offensive in English but I would say it is pretty accusatory, like "you're in the wrong."
JZ:哦,在中文里面这个“不长眼睛”,呢,就是比较 offensive; 有一点骂人。所以说开车的人觉得,哦,你说话怎么这么难听,呢,然后他就说,这个走路的人,
他 说“你过马路怎么不走斑马线?走斑马线。”
JP:Okay, so we're walking on some kind of a line, right?
JZ:对,zebra lines.
JP:The zebra lines!
JZ:斑马线,斑马就是那个动物 zebra.
JP:first tone, third tone, and then 线 is fourth tone, so of course we're talking about a crosswalk. So, to use the crosswalk we say...
JP:So, walk on the crosswalk. Can I say 用斑马线?
JP:Okay, so you have to say, "Walk on the zebra lines."
JZ:对,“走斑马线。” 很重要,啊,要注意安全,走斑马线。
JP:Okay, but we're still in an argument here.
JP:Okay, 有理 , what is that?
10:29JZ: 你有没有听过一个说法叫“有道理”
JP:Ah, okay, 道理 meaning reason...
JZ:对。然后“有理”,“ 有道理”,意思就是你是对的。
JP:Okay, we have the word "真理” as well, right? A truth...
JP:So, 理, third tone.. So, 有理,you have your reasons and you're in the right.
JP:So, what is the tone of voice here, can you tell us?
JZ: 就是在指责他,在说其实你没有理。
JP:So, accusing him, saying "you almost hit me and yet you still think you're in the right?"
JZ:对,其实这里也省略了一个“你觉得”, “你还觉得自己有理了”。
JP;Yeah, I added that in there for you. So, 还 meaning 'still', "even in this kind of situation you still think you're in the right."
JP:Okay, but there's one part you haven't explained which is why is there a little 了 on the end?
11:43JZ:啊,这个‘了’,呢,其实就是语气, 因为这句话你上说的就是“你一点都没有理, 但是你还觉得自己有理。” 那你想 突出你试这种有点“rhetoric question”,对吧,反问他。
JP:So, it's an accusatory, rhetorical question. You'll notice when people are upset and they're arguing, the '了's get dropped in here and there and it's hard to explain exactly why it's there but , um, study these patterns and it'll start to feel more natural.
JP:Okay, 吵,so that's what we said before, 吵架,right? To argue?
JP:Alright, so that's third tone...
JP:Okay, so "make a record", is that right?
JZ:对,不是那个 music record. 这个记录就是警察要写一下来发现了什么事。
JP:Okay, 记录。Two fourth tones. We know this 记录 is a noun because we have 做记录。
JP;Alright. Got it. But 记录 can also be a verb sometimes.
JZ: 也可以的。
JP: Alright.
JZ: 好,那这两个人,呢,就开始 一个一个说。走路的人说“这是单行道,他从这边就开过来了,这个车从这边就开过来了。”
JP:Okay, so the word for one-way street again, is...
JZ:单行道,单行道。好,那么最后警察怎么说,呢,警察说,“这条单行道上只能从东往西开, 这条单行道上只能从东往西开”
JP:Okay, so on this one-way street we have a measure word for a street, right?
JP:Alright, that's second tone. And you can only from what direction to what direction, how do you say that?
JP:So, from east towards west, drive.
JP:Okay, and then he says..
JZ:"驾照拿出来! 驾照拿出来!"
JP: Alright, so the first word is the word for driver's license, right?
JZ: 对,叫做“驾照”,两个第四声。
JP:Alright, two fourth tones, and note the initials here.
JP:So that's jia, fourth tone, zhao, fourth tone. If you confuse those, people aren't gonna understand you so make sure you get them right.
JZ: 驾照,驾照。
JP:Okay, so what about the driver's license?
JP: Alright, "pull it out", and this is a little bit gruff, right?
JZ:对,就是听起来是一个命令,一个command, 一个order.
JP:Alright, so the cop being a cop. Alright, I think we're ready to listen to the dialogue one more time.
DIALOGUE 14:30 to 15:17
JP: So, Jenny, I've got a question for you.
JZ ,嗯,什么问题?
JP:This dialogue, like all of our dialogues, are written by Chinese people, right?
JP:So, 真实,realistic. So, can you tell me why, exactly, this dialogue is realistic?
JP:Okay, so people get hit a lot on the roads in China, whether they're walking or riding their bike.
JZ:对对对。有的时候可能不是很严重的, 啊。
JP:Alright, so sometimes it's a light tap.
JZ:对,就上今天对话里面。那,很多时候,呢,其实开车的人和走路的人,他们都错了,they're both in the wrong.
JP:Alright, so you think that's pretty common, that they're both in the wrong.
JZ:对,其实上我们对话里面就是的那个走路的人,呢,没有走斑马线, 对吧,然后开车的人,单行道,他方向开错了。两个人都错了。
JP:So, would you say the person crossing the street was 乱过马路?
JP:Okay, and the driver, of course, is...
JP:Okay, so the direction was wrong.
16:39JZ:嗯,所以这样的情况(((di xia))),呢,警察一般就会看谁更wrong. 谁错的更严重,就是。
JP:So, who is more seriously wrong. It's not a matter of who "有理", because no one is really totally in the right.
JZ: 对对对,所以警察就会看哪个错误更严重。然后经常就是说开车的人,我觉得,开车的人被会有一点被“discriminate against”。
JP:Okay, so the drivers are discriminated against by the police? The police stick up for the little man?
JP:Oh, that's kind of good.
17:21JZ:嗯,也是。可能很多人觉得 ,“(((ze ma))) 有车,就了不起吗?”
JP:The cops also think this way, huh? Alright, well anyway, if you have any questions about all this material, especially if you have any stories about traffic in China, please come to Chinesepod dot com, and ask us.
JP:Yeah, zebra lines, guys, zebra lines. See you next time.

November 07, 2010, 03:57 PMIt looks like the end of that post above dropped off.
Here it is:
JP: So, Jenny, I've got a question for you.
JZ ,嗯,什么问题?
JP:This dialogue, like all of our dialogues, are written by Chinese people, right?
JP:So, 真实,realistic. So, can you tell me why, exactly, this dialogue is realistic?
JP:Okay, so people get hit a lot on the roads in China, whether they're walking or riding their bike.
JZ:对对对。有的时候可能不是很严重的, 啊。
JP:Alright, so sometimes it's a light tap.
JZ:对,就上今天对话里面。那,很多时候,呢,其实开车的人和走路的人,他们都错了,they're both in the wrong.
JP:Alright, so you think that's pretty common, that they're both in the wrong.
JZ:对,其实上我们对话里面就是的那个走路的人,呢,没有走斑马线, 对吧,然后开车的人,单行道,他方向开错了。两个人都错了。
JP:So, would you say the person crossing the street was 乱过马路?
JP:Okay, and the driver, of course, is...
JP:Okay, so the direction was wrong.
16:39JZ:嗯,所以这样的情况(((di xia))),呢,警察就会看谁更wrong. 谁错的更严重,就是。
JP:So, who is more seriously wrong. It's not a matter of who "有理", because no one is really totally in the right.
JZ: 对对对,所以警察就会看哪个错误更严重。然后经常就是说开车的人,我觉得,开车的人被会有一点被“discriminate against”。
JP:Okay, so the drivers are discriminated against by the police? The police stick up for the little man?
JP:Oh, that's kind of good.
17:21JZ:嗯,也是。可能很多人觉得 ,“(((ze ma))) 有车,就了不起吗?”
JP:The cops also think this way, huh? Alright, well anyway, if you have any questions about all this material, especially if you have any stories about traffic in China, please come to Chinesepod dot com, and ask us.
JP:Yeah, zebra lines, guys, zebra lines. See you next time.

November 08, 2010, 11:12 PMHere are some words used by Jenny in this lesson. They may help us narrow the gap when crossing from Ele to Inter.
更加 geng4jia1 even more
强调 qiang2diao4 to emphasize
到底 dao4di3 when all is said and done
发现 fa1xian4 to discover
造成 zao4cheng2 to bring about
死亡 si3wang2 die (verb)
碰到 peng4dao4 to come into contact
事情 shi4qing2 matter
另外 ling4wai4 further more
害怕 hai4pa4 to be scared
听众 ting1zhong4 listeners
继续 ji4xu4 to continue
语气yu3qi4 tone (voice}
指责 zhi3ze2 criticize
省略 sheng2lve4 omit/omission
突出 tu1chu1 to give prominence
反问 fan3wen4 ask a rhetorical question
叫做 jiao4zuo4 to be called
真实 zhen1shi2 realistic
情况 qing2kuang4 situation
方向 fang1xiang4 direction
November 07, 2010, 03:55 PMA: 你们两个怎么回事?
A:你们别吵! 一个一个说,我要做记录。
JZ:大家好,这里是Chinesepod. I'm Jenny.
JP:Hey, guys, I'm John and this is an Intermediate Lesson.
JP:Alright, so we're on the street, and we're talking about a one way street scuffle here.
JZ:哦,对。那你刚刚说的“one way street”; 中文叫做“单行道,单行道。”
JP:Okay, so that's almost a word for character translation, isn't it?
JP:Yeah, like to move, to proceed. Okay, and then...
JP:Okay, so it's the street. So, one-way street is...
JP:Alright, first, second, fourth tone, right?
JP:And today a lot of the dialogue is not about the one-way street itself, but about what happened on the one-way street.
JP:Yeah, so people are getting kind of angry at each other and saying some not nice things.
JZ: 对。
JP:Alright, here we go. Dialogue coming up.
DIALOGUE 1:09 to 1:53
JP:So, Jenny, when we first start we hear someone inquiring into the situation, right?
JP:Okay, so police.
JP:Okay, so he sees two people are arguing, 吵架,right?
JP:And he asks them....
JP:Okay, now this phrase, 怎么回事,um, the words seem pretty simple, like 'how' , 'return', 'thing' or 'affair'; how do we understand this phrase?
JP:Okay, so 'what happened'?
JP:Now, I might expect the police to ask, "怎么了", like "what happened", "what's wrong?"
JZ:那“怎么了”和 “怎么回事”比一起来,呢,“怎么回事”更加强调到底发现了什么事。
JP:Okay, so if you compare the two, "怎么回事" emphasizes what happened.
JP:So asking "怎么了" is more like "what's the matter", explaining how you feel, you're own view point..
JP:Ok, I see. So "怎么回事", "what's the situation", "what's the deal", "what's going on".
JP:Okay, so he's driving, but he's not just driving, he's ...
JP:Okay, 乱,fourth tone. Now this word 乱by itself can mean "messy", "chaotic", right?
JP:It can be an adjective.
3:47JZ:那么这个“乱”当太和动词放在一起用的时候,呢,意思就是你“ignore rules”。
JP:Alright, so you put it before a verb, it means you're doing something without regard for the rules, maybe without regard for safety, or other people. The dictionary might say "indiscriminately doing something."
JP:Okay, so "reckless driving" is “乱开车”。And what is the result of this kind of driving?
JP:Alright, let's look at the end of the sentence first. It is...
JP:So, hit and kill me.
4:24JZ:对,那“撞死”就是很清楚的告诉你这个结果。这个结果有可能是(((ba ren)))别人撞死了, 对吧,造成他们死亡。
JP:Okay, so we have the verb, 撞,which is fourth tone, followed by the result which is 死,so 撞死 means to hit someone and kill them.
JZ:对的。那么“差点儿撞死我,差点儿”,其实是"fortunately" , 对吧。你刚刚很有可能差一点儿就撞死我。
JP:Yeah, 差一点儿literally means 'lacking a little bit.'
JP:Like you were just short of hitting me and killing me. So, in English we would normally say "You almost hit and killed me."
JZ:嗯,对,那中文,呢, 这个“almost”就是“差点儿”,“你差点儿撞死我”。
JP:Now the question is, is it "you almost hit me" or "you almost hit me (that) which led to my death"?
JP:Okay, so "I didn't hit you". Now here we have another result indicated by...
JZ:撞到。我没撞到你 。
JP:Okay, so 撞到 means successfully hit, or hit to completion.
JZ:对,是的。这个“到”其实就是说你有没有碰到,有没有come into contact.
JP:Okay, so 撞到means a hit, made contact.
JP:Not just almost hit, tried to hit, but hit and made contact. So, in this case...
JP:Okay, so "I didn't hit you". Notice he didn't deny driving like a maniac.
JP:But I didn't hit you. Now, can you just say "我没撞你”。
JP:It's not as clear?
JP:So it's almost like he's admitting he "almost" hit him, but he didn't touch him.
JP:Got it.
JP:Okay, so “吓死我了”,scared me to death?
JP:So it's a time. So this "当时”, that "当” refers to "that", like "at that time".
JP:Okay, so "at the time, you almost scared me to death."
JP:So, to have a car, just wonderful?
JZ:这个“了不起”就是你觉得你自己是“big deal, big shot”。
JP:So, the translation in natural English would be something like, "You think you're so great just because you have a car?"
JZ:对,“有车就了不起吗?” 那这个我们北美,特别是北美的,听众听起来可能觉得很好笑,啊,有一个车有什么了不起,但是在中国有很多人没有车,那有车可能是代表你比较有钱。
JP:Okay, so in China, as opposed to North America, having a car is kind of a status symbol. A lot of people don't have cars.
JP:So, someone without a car could accuse someone with a car of thinking they're hot stuff because they have a car.
JP:Alright, so we're omitting "you think that"...
JP:Okay, just because you have a car, 就 emphasizes the result: you're so amazing, you're so great.
JP:So, 开车, like, when you're driving, and then when you're driving, what?
JP:So you don't grow eyes.
JP:Okay, so this one it's best not to look at too literally; it's more like in English, when you're driving you're not looking where you're going.
JP:So, you can't translate "not looking where you're going" literally into Chinese. You have to translate it as...
JZ:开车不长眼睛。不长眼睛。但是其实你刚刚说那个英文“not looking where you're driving"; 这个听起来就是还是比较 neutral, 对吧,不是很 offensive,应该不是骂 人的话。
JP:It's not offensive in English but I would say it is pretty accusatory, like "you're in the wrong."
JZ:哦,在中文里面这个“不长眼睛”,呢,就是比较 offensive; 有一点骂人。所以说开车的人觉得,哦,你说话怎么这么难听,呢,然后她就说,这个走路的人,她说“你过马路怎么不走斑马线?走斑马线。”
JP:Okay, so we're walking on some kind of a line, right?
JZ:对,zebra lines.
JP:The zebra lines!
JZ:斑马线,斑马就是那个动物 zebra.
JP:first tone, third tone, and then 线 is fourth tone, so of course we're talking about a crosswalk. So, to use the crosswalk we say...
JP:So, walk on the crosswalk. Can I say 用斑马线?
JP:Okay, so you have to say, "Walk on the zebra lines."
JZ:对,“走斑马线。” 很重要,啊,要注意安全,走斑马线。
JP:Okay, but we're still in an argument here.
JP:Okay, 有理 , what is that?
JP:Ah, okay, 道理 meaning reason...
JZ:对。然后“有理”,“ 有道理”,意思就是你是对的。
JP:Okay, we have the word "真理” as well, right? A truth...
JP:So, 理, third tone.. So, 有理,you have your reasons and you're in the right.
JP:So, what is the tone of voice here, can you tell us?
JZ: 就是在指责他,在说其实你没有理。
JP:So, accusing him, saying "you almost hit me and yet you still think you're in the right?"
JZ:对,其实这里也省略了一个“你觉得”, “你还觉得自己有理了”。
JP;Yeah, I added that in there for you. So, 还 meaning 'still', "even in this kind of situation you still think you're in the right."
JP:Okay, but there's one part you haven't explained which is why is there a little 了 on the end?
11:43JZ:啊,这个‘了’,呢,其实就是语气, 因为这句话你上说的就是“你一点都没有理, 但是你还觉得自己有理。” 那你想(((tu qu))) 你试这种有点“rhetoric question”,对吧,反问他。
JP:So, it's an accusatory, rhetorical question. You'll notice when people are upset and they're arguing, the '了's get dropped in here and there and it's hard to explain exactly why it's there but , um, study these patterns and it'll start to feel more natural.
JP:Okay, 吵,so that's what we said before, 吵架,right? To argue?
JP:Alright, so that's third tone...
JP:Okay, so "make a record", is that right?
JZ:对,不是那个 music record. 这个记录就是警察要写一下来发现了什么事。
JP:Okay, 记录。Two fourth tones. We know this 记录 is a noun because we have 做记录。
JP;Alright. Got it. But 记录 can also be a verb sometimes.
JZ: 也可以的。
JP: Alright.
JZ: 好,那这两个人,呢,就开始 一个一个说。走路的人说“这是单行道,他从这边就开过来了,这个车从这边就开过来了。”
JP:Okay, so the word for one-way street again, is...
JZ:单行道,单行道。好,那么最后警察怎么说,呢,警察说,“这条单行道上只能从东往西开, 这条单行道上只能从东往西开”
JP:Okay, so on this one-way street we have a measure word for a street, right?
JP:Alright, that's second tone. And you can only from what direction to what direction, how do you say that?
JP:So, from east towards west, drive.
JP:Okay, and then he says..
JZ:"驾照拿出来! 驾照拿出来!"
JP: Alright, so the first word is the word for driver's license, right?
JZ: 对,叫做“驾照”,两个第四声。
JP:Alright, two fourth tones, and note the initials here.
JP:So that's jia, fourth tone, zhao, fourth tone. If you confuse those, people aren't gonna understand you so make sure you get them right.
JZ: 驾照,驾照。
JP:Okay, so what about the driver's license?
JP: Alright, "pull it out", and this is a little bit gruff, right?
JZ:对,就是听起来是一个命令,一个command, 一个order.
JP:Alright, so the cop being a cop. Alright, I think we're ready to listen to the dialogue one more time.
DIALOGUE 14:30 to 15:17
JP: So, Jenny, I've got a question for you.
JZ![Profile picture]()
Hehe, since I'm already at it, I had a go at your transcript. I'm up to 4.27 and found just minor stuff..(in pinyin)
JZ:对,那今天呢 ne,我们在马路上,在街上。
32JZ:对。然后行,就是走过来走过去,或者(((车子)))),对吧。 I also heard che1zi... I think Jenny may mean "walk here, walk there, or car (instead of a person)
JZ:对。那如果你说,“你们两个怎么了?”,然后这两个人可能就说“我很生气!我要吵架!”他(((不?吧?)))可能不会告诉你发现了什么事。More likely 都 than 就
JZ:怎么回事,呢,那这件事情就是有一个开车的人,他乱开车。 cha4diar 差点儿撞死我,乱开车。
3:47JZ:那么这个“乱”当太(当它)和动词放在一起用的时候,呢,意思就是你“ignore rules”。 Sounds to me like dang4 ta1 ... fitting it and verb together to mean "ignore rules".
Great transcribing... obviously you're much more advanced than me :-) HAve to go now, may give it another shot later.
Thank you so very much for your help.
#1. JZ:对,那今天呢 ne,我们在马路上,在街上。 (It turns out I not only confuse 那 and 呢, but 啊,那,and 呢。 Yikes.
#2. I still hear che zi , too, but wish I could find an example of that usage.
#3. Agreed that 都 is a more predictable choice, but my ears still hear 就。
#4. That was sloppy transcribing on my part. Like I said, I think proofing these transcriptions is harder than producing a first draft of one.
#5. 当它 helps that sentence make sense. I never would have gotten that on my own.
I really appreciate your taking the time to give me some input. I made some of the changes on the zoho doc, and credited you.
Hi Patti,
Really not necessary to credit me, but thanks anyway. I'm learning a fair amount from your transcript since there are words that I would not have caught myself. So, actually I'd rather edit than transcribe, hehe!
Here are the rest of my suggestions on the transcript:
4:24JZ:对,那“撞死”就是很清楚的告诉你这个结果。这个结果有可能是(((ba ren)))别人撞死了, 对吧,造成他们死亡。 Hard to tell whether ba ren or just ba. May just be 把别人撞死了。
6:34JZ:“我没撞到你”。那么(((??)))这样的事情另外一个人,她肯定是很害怕了,她说“当时吓死我了,当时吓死我了”I didn’t hear这样的 Sounds to me like 那么捧啊John啊 事情另外一个人,
8:42JZ:啊,就是你开车的时候你不看嘛,你不看路上,你不看走路的人,起自行车的人嘛。 Could be 嘛 or just the regular 吗。
开车不长眼睛。不长眼睛。但是其实John你刚刚说那个英文“not looking where you're driving"; 这个听起来就是还是比较 neutral, 对吧,不是很 offensive,应该不是骂 人的话。Sounds like another ‘John’ thrown in...see above.
JZ:哦,在中文里面这个“不长眼睛”,呢,就是比较 offensive; 有一点骂人。所以说开车的人{就}觉得,哦,你说话怎么这么难听,呢,然后她{他}就说,这个走路的人,她{他}说“你过马路怎么不走斑马线?走斑马线”。I think it should be 他 instead of 她
10:29JZ:你也没听过一个说法叫“有道理”I didn't hear 你也没 although this would make sense in the sentence. Instead I heard something like 因为听过 ...hmm tough one here!
11:43JZ:啊,这个‘了’,呢,其实就是语气, 因为这句话你上说的就是“你一点都没有理, 但是你还觉得自己有理。” 那你想(((tu qu))) 你试这种有点“rhetoric question”,对吧,反问他。 I think it is 突出? .."so you wish to try and project a rhetoric question" 突出 tu1chu1 to give prominence
JZ:对,啊,差一点撞死人,你还有理了。好,那么警察现在有[yao要]开始说话了:“你们别吵,一个一个说。” yao instead of you
JZ:对,就是听起来是一个命令,一个command, 一个order. I didn't hear
就是听起来, and instead heard something like 这一停在 是一个命令 although your sentence appears more grammatically correct than mine.. hehe!
16:39JZ:嗯,所以这样的情况(((di xia))),呢,警察[yiban 一般]就会看谁更wrong. 谁错的更严重,就是。 I couldn't catch the di xia either. There is yiban in the sentence.
17:21JZ:嗯,也是。可能很多人觉得 ,“(((zen me 怎么))) 有车,就了不起吗?” haha!
All in all, great transcribing... quite a few unfamiliar vocab for me... will list them here some time this week. Cheers, Paul.
hehe, thanks for all the 'food for thought' tomorrow, Paul! (I usually say HA!, but I'll try to learn the hehe. I like it.)
Meanwhile, right off the bat (as we say in the baseball lovin' USA), I have noticed several instances of people wondering if they heard a Chinese word, or just the name 'John' in the podcast being transcribed, and it had never occurred to me before how easily his name could be confused with a number of Chinese words, 讲,这样,强,长, 等等 .... I'll try and remember that next time I can't figure out a sentence.
Anyway, thanks again for working more on my transcript.
Paul, you have an excellent set of ears. I listened again using your notes above, and here's what I'm thinking:
4:24 this probably is 把人 though the repeated 人 is confusing to me.
6:34 I think 碰到 does belong in there. I don't hear 'John' though... I still hear 这样.
8:42 I'm with you there; don't know which it is, 吗 or 嘛。
9:00 That is definitely a 'John'.
9:20 Yes, I messed up the gender there.
10:29 Eureka! I believe this is 你有没有听过.
11:43 提出 is perfect.
12:05 definitely 要 and not 有.
14:20 就是听起来 is still what I hear Jenny say.
16:39 I think the di xia may be 底下 but I'm not certain at all. You're right that
I left out the 一般。
17.21 I still don't understand this one. I hear (ze ma) and it just doesn't sound like 怎么 and I can't make sense of the sentence, either.
I'll try and find time to insert the corrections onto the zoho doc today or tomorrow. (Am I able to edit the transcript as I pasted it here? ) Anyway, thank you so much for your time and effort. It was a great assist!
Hi Patti,
I'm new myself (just returned after a hiatus from Cpod) and am not familiar with this new system, however I was informed that the main (header) post can be edited. Click Conversations, then Posts, select the specific post and click on the pencil icon on the right. Also, Peter of Cpod informed that the system will not post the transcript, or will take only portions of it if there are HTML codes on the document. He suggested using Wordpad for the transcript. When I have time, I'll play around and explore how to successfully post a complete transcript (20 pages or so) on to the main header. I suspect that by uploading the document first to Google doc or to zoho doc (by the way, how's that you're using zoho instead of everyone's favorite friend Google?) and then downloading in plain text format, it would do it...err, hopefully.
As for the corrections, I think we've got the meat out of Jenny and John's dialogue as best as we can, I'm just happy that at least there is a transcript for me to read and able to understand a bit more than just by listening. Aiyo, crossing over from Ele to Inter is very hard work... no simple path made for us to go on!
Before I started working on the UI transcription, I checked with Tal to see if there was a preferred methodology for presenting the work in this group. One of the things he mentioned was that google docs had been blocked to people in China for the past while, and that zoho might be a usable alternative. I had no experience with either.
You're right, so much to learn!
Thanks again for the collaboration.
PS: Would you happen to know whether anyone in this group has transcribed the Parking Lot Rage lesson?
Hi Patti,
Here's Tal's listing of transcripts:
List of Transcripts
I don't see the Parking Lot Rage done. Seems like a nice one to follow the scuffle lesson.
I will try and do that one next, then; there is some fun language in there.
Meanwhile, I don't see a way to edit/ insert corrections into the transcript that I pasted here as a reply to my original post (which you showed me how to edit). I will make corrections to the zoho doc, at least. I guess that's the best I can do.
Hi Patti,
Replies cannot be edited once their initial editing periods have lapsed. What you could try and do is to go into an edit mode (by clicking on the pencil icon) on the original post, Then delete whatever in the original post before copying and pasting the revised transcript on to the original post. If the system does not take all of the transcript, continue editing by copying and pasting sections of the transcript. See if this works :-).
Thanks, Paul
Goodness, it does become a cumbersome kind of thread to try and navigate around, doesn't it? The zoho version has been corrected (though there are some straggling problems!). Are you able to access that?
Yes, I was able to access the transcript on soho...even downloaded the document on to my laptop. I saw various types of formats are available for a download...chose rtf, which I think does not contain html codes. Will have to sign off now since I have a busy day tomorrow,..maybe you could try and see if the system will take the complete transcript with the rtf format? Download the transcript from soho using the rtf format. Then go to edit mode on the original post. Then open the rtf document on your computer and copy the total transcript. Then paste on to the original post space in the edit mode . Theoretically this should work, but who knows with Cpod's system...good luck!
It worked. Thanks, Paul!