Parking Lot Rage
November 18, 2010, 01:37 PM posted in Transcripts with TalHello, all. Here is my draft of the Intermediate lesson, Parking Lot Rage. It can best be viewed here on zoho docs. I will also attempt to paste it as a reply to this post but that doesn't always work like I think it should. :)
Words I couldn't get are in red but that doesn't rule out other mistakes I no doubt made. Thanks for any time you may put into finding/correcting my errors.
Here is a copy of the transcript in a rich text format file:
JZ:Hi, welcome to Chinesepod, Mandarin on your terms. I'm Jenny.
JP:And I'm John. Hey, Jenny.
JZ:Hey, 你好呢今天咱们有一个中级课程啊。
JP:Yeah, Intermediate.
JP:Yeah, I don't know whether this lesson is about road rage or parking lot rage.
JP:Where did you say this takes place?
JP:Alright, so it is at a parking lot.
JP:What are the tones on there?
JP:Alright, two, one, three. 停车场。
JP:Alright, so that's parking lot; that is the setting for this dialogue. And what's going on here?
0:40JZ:那就是有(((yu))))倒车,倒车。(((sou))) 产生的意思不愉快。
JP:Alright, so this 倒 is not like 到什么地方去。It has an extra, uh, radical on the side there.
JP:And this means 'back up', like 'go in reverse.'
JP:It sounds exactly the same.
JP:So, 倒车 means 'back up a car.'
JZ:对,就是 reverse parking 是吧。
JP;Reverse parking. No, we don't say that in the United States.
1:10JZ:哦,澳大利亚是怎么说的。就前作,‘reverse parking’。
JP:Alright, like backing into a parking place.
JZ:Okay, let's listen.
Dialogue 1:20 to 2:10
JP:Yeah, some of us want to hear some more 'angry' dialogues, so this is for you guys, you angry people.
JP:Alright, so in the beginning we have the person saying, “倒了半天都进不去。 ”
JZ:啊,“倒了半天都进不去。” 那这个“倒”呢其实就是我们之前说的“倒车”的倒。
2:37JZ:那然后这个“进不去”,为什么会说“进不去”呢?就是他把车,“倒进”他自己的内(((yi kuai)))控间。
JP:Okay, so he's backing up, trying to fit into a parking place, he's taking a really long time, and he still hasn't managed to maneuver the car into the parking place.
JP:He can't get in. 进不去。
JP:So he keeps backing up, going forward, backing up, going forward, backing up.
JP:Alright, so let's examine this word 才,and it's second tone, right?
JP:So the first person says, "你会不会开车”, and the person says, "你才不会开呢。” Alright, so if we didn't have this 才 would that be correct?
JZ:你不会开呢就不对。应该说“你不会开”也可以,但是呢 没有把你的这个清楚,表达出来。
JP:Alright, so if you want to get this feeling, this angry emotion in there you need to have 才。
JP:Alright, so it emphasizes that you're pointing the finger at the other person.
JP:So, I've actually had an experience where some children really helped illustrate the meaning of this “才”。So, Jenny, let's do a little dialogue so they can get a feeling for how this "才" works.
JZ: 啊,好的。你先说吧。
JP:Alright, 我说:你是个笨蛋!
JZ:我才不是呢! 你还也可以叫我才不是呢,你在强调“我不是一个笨蛋。”
JP:Okay, let's slow down here. So, we're just saying now, is, I said, "Jenny, you're an idiot." And she says, "No, YOU'RE and idiot."
JZ: 你才是呢!
JP:And I said, "No, YOU are." And she said, "No, YOU are."
JP:So, "I'M not..."
JZ: 对,对,对。
JP:Alright, so it's this emphasis that we do in English with our tone of voice.。。
JZ: 嗯,对。
JP:our stress. In Chinese they use this word "才”。
JP:So, "YOU can't drive."
JP:Alright, so this verb means to follow. So, how are they following?
JP:So, that means very close. Following tightly, or following closely we would say.
5:27JZ: 是的。那这下来在有一个字啊,叫做“滑稽,滑稽。”
JP:And so, 滑稽 means, like, funny, right?
JP: Actually, this 滑稽means funny like a clown is funny. Like he can't help himself, he's just ridiculous.
JZ:ridiculous, 这个意思。
JP:And so, 'You're a bit of a clown aren't you?”
JP: “You're ridiculous."
5:53JZ:是的。(((?)))叫做“滑稽” 啊。
JP:And then what does he say?
JP:Actually this 又also emphasizes.
JP:Yeah, but it emphasizes the 不是。又不是你的。
JP:And it's also often used when people get angry, right?
JZ: 嗯,对。“马路不是你的。”这下来我们在来看一个听好玩的形容“水平臭,水平臭。”
JP:Alright so "水平”means "level", like level of skill.
JP:And “臭” means "stinky". So, it's like "You stink."
6:32JZ:对,对,对。“(((?))) 水平臭。”那这个水平臭经常(((?))))用在形容中国男子足球上面。很臭。
JP:You mean like the World Cup soccer team?
6:42JZ: 对啊。反而个哥哥从俱乐部“league”方面的,National Team,都是水平臭。
JP: They stink.
JP:So, it's kind of a national agreement thing...everyone...
JP:Uh, okay.
JP:Alright, so we probably know the “怪”means to blame someone.
JZ: 责怪,对吧。然后怪起别人来了。
JP:So 怪起来 means 'start blaming', right? But we have this object, "别人", so you can't just say "怪起来别人”, right?
JP:You can't say "怪起来别人”, you have to put the 来at the end, so what do you say?
JZ: 怪起别人来了。怪起别人来了。后者我们可以把这个“别人”换成“你,我,他。。怪起我来了,怪起你来了,怪起他来了。”
JP:So, that would mean start blaming other people. Start blaming me, start blaming him. So, when you have this 来 here, it has to go after the object.
JP:That takes some practice.
JP:So, that means 'go out' or 'come out' and lose face for yourself.
JZ:对。这个“丢人”其实就是说“丢,丢你自己 的人了”。
JP:So, it's like make a fool of yourself in public?
JZ: 对,对,对。出来丢人,中国人特被不喜欢。
JP:But this word is kind of strong, right?
JP:If you tell someone that...
JP:It humiliates people.
8:35JZ:嗯,对。那所以那这个reply 回答就来了,“关你屁事,关你屁事?”也野蛮严重的啊。
JP:Alright, so 屁, as we may or may not know, it means "fart."
JP:It's a fart.
JP:So, 屁事 means to "fart affairs", would that be accurate?
JP:So, literally it's "related to you fart affairs".
JZ: 好复杂啊。
JP:And the meaning is "what the hell does that have to do with you:?"
JZ: 对。
JP:So, that's kind of strong.
9:20JZ: 真是idiomatic translation, ((((?)))) John.
JP: Thank you.
JZ: 关你屁事。
JP:So this is strong.
JZ: 那我们在来看一个童谣严重的用法: “你算老几,你算老几。”
JP: Alright, so what is this 老几 thing?
JZ: 啊就是“你什么也不算”,老几就好像我们有一个排,排位:老大,老二,老三,9:35老四,然后“理算老几”那就说“你是很小的排在几百几千”,这样。
JP:Alright, so let me translate this a little bit... "你算" means "you count as"
JZ: 对。
JP:And 老几, like 'what rank?' So, 老大 would be the top rank, 老二 would be second in command, or whatever, second rank. 老三 is third rank...
JZ: 然后你是什么也不算,你可能是排在第九百九十九命。
JP:So, with 你算老几 , like, 'what rank are you?'
JZ: 对,‘你是谁?”就这个意思啊。
JP:“What do you count for?" that kind of thing.
10:05JZ: 嗯,你一点都不重要,对吧。那下面这一句话呢童谣也是中国人骂人听起话用的。“赶着去投胎?赶着去投胎?”
JP:So, we know 赶着 means in a hurry to do something.
JZ: 赶时间,对。
JP:投胎 relates to reincarnation, right?
JP:So when you die your soul leaves the body, according to this philosophy?
JZ: 对。
JP:And then...
JZ: 然后你要进入投入到另外一个啊身体里面。
JP:So, it 'enters'. 胎 literally means, like, embryo, or, fetus.
JZ: fetus. 对。
JP:So your soul enters a new body.
JZ: 对啊,这个句叫做“投胎”。
JP:Alright, so what does that have to do with being in a hurry?
10:42JZ: 因为“投胎”就是你要非常赶紧抓紧否则你有赶不上了。
JP:So, 投胎 is something you absolutely can't be late for.
JZ: 对。所以咱们这儿骂人也是一个“mocking”,对吧。
JP:Yeah, that would be, that would be a problem if someone was born and their soul never quite made it into the body.
11:03JZ: 对啊。所以就否则说“啊哟,你有什么事情怎么焦急,难道是赶的去投胎?”
JP:Ah, okay, makes sense.
11:08JZ: 那上面,John,你在来说说这句骂人的话吧。
JP:How 'bout this one that starts with 老子?
JP:老子 is, like, a Chinese philosopher. This one is not that guy.
JZ:不是的。这个老子就是男人对自己的一个称为,就是觉得自己很了不起,老子,就是我很 senior 对吧。
JP:So, you want to seem like a tough guy?
JZ: 对。
JP:Use this word "老子” to mean "I".
JZ: 对,对,对。其实“老子”还有意思就是爸爸的意思。就好像“我是很厉害的,我像你爸爸一样。” “老子”。
JP:Alright, and the difference between this "老子” and that philosopher is?
JZ: 读音。就是这里是“老子”轻声。然后那位是“老子”, 第三声的子。
JP:Alright, so when you're being a tough guy, the 子 is a neutral tone. When you're talking about the philosopher, "老子”。。。
JZ: 就好像“孔子”,是第三声。
JP:Alright, so the 子 is third tone.
JZ: 嗯,对。
JP:Alright, so what's going on with 老子 here?
JZ: “老子看你今天是来找打的。” 就是说理实在找被人打的。
JP:来找打的。That means you're looking for a beating.
JZ: 对。
JP:That's useful.
JZ: 回答他嘛。
JP:If you want to get into a fight. Alright, and the next sentence?
JZ: 哦,这个也很有文化的意义啊。“今天不训你我就不姓王。”这个John 懂吗?“今天不教训你我就不姓王。”
JP:So, 姓王, the guy's last name is really 王。
JZ: 对,对,对。真的是王。他为什么会这样说呢,因为要表达自己决心,“我今天一点要教训你”。 这里个教训其实就是打你的意思。
JP:Alright, so it's displaying his determination to teach the guy a lesson.
JP:Saying "today I'm gonna teach you a lesson or my last name is not Wang."
JP:Sounds kind of funny, but we have similar expressions in English. And the other guy does a play on words with this last name, right?
13:02JZ: ((((?)))), 他说,“你姓王,王八的王” 王八其实也是骂人的话。
JP:So, it's like a bad word。
13:11JZ: 对,对,对。就是(((?))) 很笨,很蠢。
JP:Okay. But you also say "王八蛋",right?
JZ: 对。
JP:Just, it's a really bad thing to call people.
JZ: 是的。
JP:So, after the guy said that, that was the last straw that broke the camel's back and they just started fighting.
JZ: 对。这样来了。那我们来听听看怎么会吵架的呢。
Dialogue 13:35 to 14:23
JZ:John, 有的骂人的话也有怎么丰富。
JP:There's a lot of culture in fighting words.
JZ: 对,对,对。那么尽管到chinesepod 点com 上面,来文我们。
JP:Yeah, leave us comments and leave us questions on the website.
JZ: 嗯,好的。那今天就到这儿。我们下次再见。
November 17, 2010, 10:35 PMPatti,
I clicked on your "here" link above, but rather than taking me to your transcript, it took me to a sign in/sign up page for zoho docs. Is it not possible to view the transcript without signing up?
November 17, 2010, 08:06 PMI'm getting a "comment should be less than 10000 characters" box when I try to post the transcript here. The doc only has 9239, I believe.