Dream team Study Schedule

December 23, 2010, 03:43 AM posted in General Discussion

After reading a great article posted by pretzellogic I was inspired to start this thread (and did not want to hijack his).

Here is the link to it.


The idea behind this thread will be to add the best schedule you can think of based on the different amounts of available time people have to study.

We get a lot of advice for tips and tricks from various people so it will be really interesting to see people stick them all together in a daily plan.

So just share your dream team daily schedule (even if you don't follow it yourself.


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December 23, 2010, 03:57 AM

Post you schedule here for people who can only spare <30minutes a day of dedicated study (i.e not able to do anything else at the same time)

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December 23, 2010, 03:57 AM

Post you schedule here for people who can spare up to 1 hour a day of dedicated study.

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So after a little thought, I came up with the following

Here goes...

1) Morning: 15 minutes of flash carding

- Broken up into 3 sections;

- 5minutes sentence practice (reading and speaking)

- 5 minutes word recognition and recall (reading and memory)

- 5 minutes (writing)

2) Travel to work

- listen to at least 1 podcast

3) At work

- IF you are lucky enough to work in a Chinese speaking country, try and speak at least "X" sentences to someone (X obviously is level dependent)

- If not, try and narrate your thoughts or actions in Chinese

4) Traveling home

- Listen to 1 podcast

5) At home or out and about if you have a flashy phone: Continue flash cards 15 minutes again like section 1

6) Relax! Try and watch 30minutes of Chinese TV even if you don't understand it or browse the net reading random comments/articles in Chinese.

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December 23, 2010, 03:58 AM

Post you schedule here for people who can spare up to 2 hours a day of dedicated study.

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I have this kind of time on average, but not on a given day. I think it would be helpful if I were more consistent in doing the below. But here goes...

1 hour - characters: writing them out, reading sentences made with those characters

1 hour - Grammar study, trying to create sentences using learned words from cpod class, trying to memorize Cpod dialogues

Extra time: going to/from class/events/work/play - memorizing Cpod dialogues, talking with taxi drivers, reading street signs, using bad Chinese to talk to people.

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Writing out made up sentences is something I would love to start but unfortunately my writing is way behind the rest. It's something i can certainly put more time in doing on the computer though.

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I'm definitely still at the stage where writing out sentences isn't really much fun. But I see that i'm now at the point where the feedback on my Chinese is that people do not understand me because my word ordering is wrong, not because my tones are off. Actually, Chinese people seem fine with my pronunciation, despite my casual attitude about tones :-)