Intermediate - Dad Behind the Video Camera
December 31, 2010, 01:43 AM posted in Transcripts with TalHere is a recent Intermediate lesson about Dad and the video camera. Places where I know I need help are (hopefully) in red, and have their time markers noted. But I'm sure that's not all the help I need to finish this. Any feedback on how to make this and future transcripts more valuable to the user would be much appreciated.
JP:Hey, you're listening to an Intermediate Lesson on Chinesepod. My name is John.
JP: So, DiLu, today we're talking about some kind of filming?
JP:So, that is digital video camera.
JP:Okay, so how to use it and, specifically, we're telling the kind of older guy, "Dad"...
JP:Okay, so they're filming stuff so we use the verb...
JP:Okay, 拍,that's first tone. Now, before we start, though, let's listen to the word for digital video one more time.
JP:So, digital, that's fourth tone, third tone, right?
JP:And then, video camera is fourth, fourth, first?
JP:Okay, let's listen:
Dialogue 1:10 to 1:55
JP: Alright, so when you decide you want to take a video, you want to do it somewhere that looks nice, right?
DL: 对,那女人就跟爸爸说:“老爸 ,这里风景不错啊。
JP:So, 风景 is what tones?
DL: 第一声和第三声:风景。
JP:First, third; and that means scenery, right?
DL:You're right.
JP: Okay, so they've got the right scenery and what do they decide to do?
DL: 啊,爸爸他说,“用数码摄像机把它拍下来。”
JP:So he's gonna use the digital video recorder to do what?
JP:So what is 它?
JP:Okay, so he wants to record this scenery, apparently.
JP:But the pattern we use is the 把 pattern, right?
JP:Right, so the way this works is, you have 把, then a thing, and then, what you do with it.
DL: 嗯,很有用,啊。
JP:Yeah, you take something and you do something with it. So, what is he doing with the scenery?
JP:Okay, so 拍 means to take a picture, or to take video, right?
DL: 是的。
JP:First tone. And then why do we have 下来 on the end?
3:12 DL: 那这用法在中文里面听多的。
JP:For example?
DL: 比如说,“把它写下来”
JP:to write down..
JP:So, also to write down.
JP:It's almost like when you're recording it, whether you're writing or video taping or taking pictures you can use this "down" directional complement. So, 拍下来, like "record it down".
DL: Exactly.
JP: And that sounds natural in Chinese, right?
DL: 对,用数码摄像机把它拍下来。
JP: Okay, and before we go on let me make one other little point, which is-- you can't just say "把它拍”,right?
JP:Right, cuz the thing with this 把 construction is that you have the 把 , the object, the verb, and then some kind of complement or something coming after the verb...
DL: Ah, sounds very complictated but just remember it as a whole thing.
JP: Alright, one more time...
DL: 用数码摄像机把它拍下来。
JP:Okay, and then the dad says he doesn't need help, right?
JP:So, he already knows how to use it. And we express "already" by saying ...
DL: 已经。。什么什么了。
JP:Okay, so there's two parts to it.
DL: 对,放在一起: 已经什么什么了。
JP:Okay and what are the tones for 已经?
JP:Okay, third and first.。。
JP:Okay, but what's the problem with 老爸?
JP:So, his hands are doing something terribly. What are they doing?
DL: terribly.
JP: Yeah.
JP:Okay, so 抖。That's third tone, right?
DL: 就是shaking .
JP: shaking. So his hands are shaking.
DL: 对。那‘厉害’ 呢是表示程度。
JP:Yeah, so the degree to which his hands are shaking. They're shaking pretty bad.
DL; 对,抖的很厉害。
JP:So, this verb 抖, what can we use this for?
JP:So, arms and legs can both shake.
JP:So, the fat on your belly, the meat on your belly is shaking.
DL: Eh, doesn't sound lovely.
JP: Yeah, alright, anyway. Then the daughter has a few other instructions for her dad, right?
DL; 对,她说“别突然的放大或缩小,要慢慢的调。
JP:Okay, so don't do two things, two verbs, right?
DL: 哎,对。那就是“放大”和“缩小”。
JP:So, 放大 literally means "put big".
JP:So, this 放大means 'zoom in'.
DL: 是的。
JP:And, zoom out, of course, is...
DL: ‘缩小,缩小。’
JP:Now , can we say 放小?
JP:And can we say "缩大”?
JP:Alright, so "zoom in" is...
JP:And "zoom out"....
DL: 缩小。
JP:But she's telling him not to do these things 'suddenly', right?
DL: 啊,对,就是“突然的”。
JP:So, the word for 'sudden'.
DL: 突,T- U ,TU RAN, R-A-N。第二声。
JP:Alright, first tone, second tone.
DL: 对。
JP:Yeah, she's trying not to end up with some kind of unwatchable video because her dad was going crazy with the zoom, right?
DL: Right, and she says, "要慢慢的调,要谩慢的调。”
JP:So, again we have the adverb coming before the verb, with the 的。
JP:So, this verb ‘调’what does that mean?
DL: 哦,那‘调’就是‘调整’。
JP:Ah, so 'to adjust.'
JP:So, if he's gonna do the zooming, do it slowly.
DL: 嗯,慢慢的调。
JP:Okay, so the dad thinks this is all the same, huh...
DL: to him.
JP: yeah, 不是都差不多吗?
JP:Okay, so IF you make the adjustments too quickly, right?
DL: 对,调的太快。。。
JP:Then, the result is...
DL: 拍出来的视频 会很模糊。
JP:I think I just heard the verb 拍 again, right?
DL: 啊,对。但是这里说“拍出来的”视频,“拍出来的视频”。
JP:Okay, so what do we have after the verb 拍?
JP:So, 出来 meaning 'come out', right?
DL: 对,但是在这里表示的是一个结果。
JP:Okay, so it emphasizes a result. So, you know that when you, you know, take pictures and you have them developed, they 'come out', right?
JP:So, in English we also say 'come out', right? 'How did it come out?'
JP:So, 拍出来的what?
JP:Okay, fourth tone, second tome. 视频 means 'video', right?
JP:Yeah, the Chinese video sites, Tudou and Youku, the videos we watch, those are all 视频。
8:27 DL:对。很多人会觉得<<<gao>>>不清楚视频和电影的区别。
JP:Ah, 电影 meaning 'movie' or 'flim', right?
8:35 DL: 对。一般形<<wo/wu>> 很长.
JP: Right, so when you're talking about 电影,you're talking about a full movie.
DL: 是的。
JP:Not like a little internet movie.
DL:对。那这些videos 我们看到的都叫视频。
JP: Okay, so anyway, "the video you take will be very......."
DL: 模糊,模糊。
JP:So, that means 'blurry' , 'fuzzy', 'vague.' This word '模糊' is kind of vague itself, right?
8:57 DL: 哦,很(( 酷 ku4)) 其实就是不清楚的意思。
JP: Okay, 'unclear'.
JP:Yeah, that's pretty clear; if you zoom in and out all the time then you're going to get some unclear video.
DL: 哦,是的。
JP:Okay, so then what does the dad say?
DL: 哦,爸爸说,“好好好,我知道了, 开始拍了!”
JP:Okay, so "我知道了”,meaning "now I know"....
JP:So, he's about to start right now.
DL: 嗯,那我们这里有两个“了”。
JP:Right, and both of those indicate a change of state.
DL: 啊,对的。
JP:So, he didn't know, now he knows. He wasn't filming, now he's starting.
DL: 对的。然后女人也要说一些东西;她说“哎,老爸。”
JP:He doesn't want to listen, right?
DL: 哟,那个爸爸有一点不耐烦啊,他说“别罗嗦了。”
JP:Okay, so 罗嗦 , what does that mean?
DL: 哦,“罗嗦”啊我们一般行会说,比如说妈妈很罗嗦啊-- 她一直都让你穿衣服啊,吃东西啊。
JP:So she's just telling you to do stuff, over and over, right?
DL:啊 对的。就是很罗嗦。
JP:And she won't stop talking.
DL: 那是为你好啊。
JP:Yeah, for your own good.. But anyway, someone who talks too much? The adjective for that is..
DL: 罗嗦,罗嗦。
JP:In this case he's saying "Stop being 罗嗦。”, right?
JP:Okay, but apparently she had something important to tell him...
JP:So, 镜头means 'lens', right?
JP:That's fourth tone, second tone?
JP:And then "盖”。
JP:Okay, so like a lid, or in this case, a cap.
DL:有可能是manually 那种盖子,也有可能是automatic 那种。
JP:Okay, so in any case the lens cap is still on.
JP:Yeah, so she wasn't being 罗嗦 after all, right?
DL: Not really.
JP: Okay, so let's not be 罗嗦 either; let's listen to the dialogue one more time.
DL: 好的。
Dialogue 11:15 to 11:55
JP:Alright, so in this lesson we learned some important vocabulary referring to digital video cameras, right?
JP:Right, and there are two very important verbs when you're filming, one of them is for zooming in, right? How do we say to zoom in?
JP:Okay, two fourth tones. And of course, the opposite of that is...
JP:But of course, before you're filming, make sure to take off the lens cap, right?
DL: 啊,打开镜头盖,打开镜头盖。
JP:Right , and then remind us, how do you say that you want to record all this stuff, " to record it down."
JP:Right, and then eventually you're going to have a video, right? The results will be a video.
JP:And if you do it right, it won't be blurry, right?
DL: 哦,就不会很模糊,不会很模糊。There are a lot of new vocabulary today.
JP:Of course we can't cover all the video vocabulary in one lesson , so if you have questions then please come and ask us.
DL:John, 你别罗嗦了。We'll see you on 再见。
December 31, 2010, 03:36 PMIan, thanks so much for taking the time to look this over. I agree with all of your suggestions.
Since you (and zhen) have done such careful work on the 'sounds' thing, would you have a look at some of the sentence beginnings? I know I lazily tend to simply stick in 嗯 or 哦 .
December 31, 2010, 06:16 AMHi Patti,
Good work on the transcript! Here's my take on the bits you highlighted.
3:12: 挺多的 (This is the 挺+adj+的 pattern)
8:27: 搞不清楚 (the verb 搞 seems to collocate with 不清楚 - you hear them together quite often)
8:35: 一般性会很长 (一般性 means something like generally/in general)
8:57: 很酷啊 (I think you're right on this one - I guess Dilu was responding to what John said in the line before)
Hope it helps.