的 得 地
February 16, 2011, 12:09 AM posted in Grammar QuestionsCould someone please give a short explination for how each of the de characters is used? I failed a worksheet that required me to distinguish between them. All that I understand is this:
的 : Possessive "Wo de ba ba shu Jeff". Are there other functions?
得 : In a manner that is or V得(able to)perceive.
地 : I have no idea.
October 26, 2015, 08:17 AM地 (de)
This "de" is used to modify verbs or adjectives. The easy way to remember this one is that, unlike the other two de particles, this one always precedes the word it modifies (which is usually a verb).
The pattern is:
Modifier 地 (de) Verb / Adj
The modifier is frequently a reduplicated adjective, such as 慢慢 (mànmān).
Sample Sentences
He jumped up happily.
He shakes my hand firmly.
It kept on raining.
He ran off at a sprint.
You have to treat a girl well slowly, approach her slowly; dispel her wariness of you.
He jumped out from behind without any warning. He scared me terribly.