Intermediate - Food Poisoning - Poddies' Transcript
March 21, 2011, 01:04 PM posted in Transcripts with TalHey all, here is the transcript for Lesson 1626....whatever day that was. This was written pretty much entirely by watyamacallit with some contributions by babardwan, toianw and myself.
There is a printable and more visually understandable PDF version at the bottom of the post.
ChinesePod Lesson Transcript
Intermediate – Food Poisoning (#1626)
John: Hey ChinesePod listeners, this is an Intermediate lesson. My name is John.
Dilu: 你好,我叫Dilu.
John: And Dilu, today we have a very serious topic, right? And unhappy topic.
Dilu: 也不是unhappy啦,但是今天的课文可能会有一点不舒服。
John: Yeah, so there’s some discomfort going on in this lesson. It’s discomfort of the gastro-intestinal variety.
Dilu: 对的,对的。
John: So if you’re weak of stomach, you might not enjoy this lesson, I’ll warn you right now. What is the topic in Chinese, Dilu?
Dilu: 今天我们要讲“食物中毒”。食物中毒。
John: Okay, so that is “food poisoning”.
Dilu: 啊,是的。
John: And what are the tones?
Dilu: “食物”是第二声和第四声。
John: And “poisoning”?
Dilu: 中毒。“中毒”是第四声和第二声。
John: Okay – 4th tone, 2nd tone. Alright, we have warned you. Here comes the dialogue.
John: That wasn't too bad. Anyway, these people have eaten a lot of seafood, so what's the first solution for their discomfort?
Dilu: 这个老婆,她说:我们上床躺一会儿吧。上床躺一会儿。
John: 上床 - get in bed - and do what?
Dilu: 躺。躺一会儿。
John: 躺。3rd tone. That means to lie down.
Dilu: 是的。
John: But not just any kind of lying down.
Dilu: 你是说,要 lie on the back.
John: So 躺 is the verb which means to lie on one's back.
Dilu: 是的。
John: If you're on your stomach or on your side, it’s actually a little different.
Dilu: 是不一样的动词。
John: Those are different verbs. So 躺 is for on your back. So then the guy explains how he's feeling.
Dilu: 他说:“我恶心,想吐。”
John: So 恶心 - that's 3rd tone, 1st tone.
Dilu: 是的。
John: Doesn't it mean 'disgusting'?
Dilu: 对,你可以说:一样东西很恶心。
John: John: So if something is 恶心, it’s disgusting.
Dilu: 对。但是你说“我恶心” 不是说“I am disgusting”,就是说“我 觉得很不舒服”。
John: So when you're referring to yourself 恶心 means 'nauseous'. And the other way to explain this feeling is ...
Dilu: 想吐。想吐。
John: So, 'want to throw up' - feel like you're going to throw up.
Dilu: 对。
John: Again, the word for 'to throw up' ...
Dilu: 吐。第四声。
John: 4th tone. And I say 'throw up', because there is a more formal word that would correspond to 'vomit'.
Dilu: 我们在后面的对话里面会看到这个词,叫“呕吐”。呕吐。
John: That's 3rd tone, 4th tone. But usually in informal speech if you want to say 'throw up', you say...
Dilu: 就说“吐”。我想吐。
John: OK. So then they go on to talk about their belly.
Dilu: 是的。肚子很痛。肚子很痛。
John: 肚子 refers to the belly.
Dilu: 是的。
John: The stomach and the intestines. In English we usually say 'my stomach hurts'. You might say 'my belly hurts'.
Dilu: 反正就是那个地方很痛。
John: Then they're starting to think that maybe it is...
Dilu: 食物中毒。我们是不是食物中毒了?
John: This 食物中毒, is this a noun or a verb?
Dilu: 在这里是一个动词。
John: So 'have we been food poisoned?'
Dilu: 但是食物中毒也可以是一个名词。
John: So it could be a verb, it could be a noun phrase as well. So they've gotten food poisoning.
Dilu: 对。但是这个老婆他觉得“不可能吧。那家餐厅看起来挺干净的。”
John: So 'that restaurant looked really clean'. So the measure word for the restaurant is ...
Dilu: 家。那家餐厅。
John: 'It looked clean', right?
Dilu: 对。你说“看起来”。看起来挺干净的。
John: 看起来。By looking at it, it seemed quite clean.
Dilu: 挺干净的。挺干净的。
John: Notice that when we use 挺 we follow with a 的 very often.
Dilu: 对。
John: Anyway, the guy reasons that they ate a lot of seafood.
Dilu: 对。吃了那么多海鲜。那么多海鲜。
John: The tones for seafood...
Dilu: 3rd and 1st. 海鲜。
John: 海鲜。Then he says "I'm going to go to the bathroom."
Dilu: 对。我先上厕所去。我先上厕所去。
John: 我先 - 先 means 'first'. Why is he saying 'first'?
Dilu: 因为刚才那个老婆她说“我们上床躺一会儿吧”。但是这个老公他觉得不舒服,他说“我先上厕所”。
John: So, he wants to go to the bathroom before lying down for a while.
Dilu: 是的。
John: Also he says 我先上厕所去。So the 去 comes on the end. Could he have said 我先去上厕所 ?
Dilu: 啊,也可以。
John: So both are OK.
Dilu: 对,两种都可以的。
John: OK.
Dilu: 那这个老婆她的肚子也不舒服。还咕噜咕噜叫。
John: I love this word. 咕噜咕噜叫。
Dilu: 咕噜咕噜就是一个声音。就是你肚子不舒服的时候,你的肚子就会有,里面有气泡。就会咕噜咕噜的。
John: In English we say 'gurgling', or sometimes we say your stomach is 'growling'. So 叫 meaning 'to make a noise'.
Dilu: 对的。
John: So in English, when we're hungry we say 'my stomach is growling'. Do you use this for when you're hungry also?
Dilu: 也可以。你说“哎哟,我很饿。肚子咕噜咕噜叫”。
John: But also when you're food poisoned and your stomach is churning and making these crazy noises, you can also say...
Dilu: 也是咕噜咕噜叫。
John: Anyway, when you hear this 咕噜咕噜叫 then often what follows is ...
Dilu: 想上厕所。想上厕所。
John: Because...
Dilu: 因为他们都拉肚子。拉肚子。
John: 拉肚子 meaning 'to have diarrhoea'.
Dilu: 是的。
John: I should point out, this word in Chinese is a quite common word. Its like 'I have a cold', 'I have diarrhoea'. It doesn't evoke this visceral reaction like diarrhoea does in English. Dilu's looking at me 'like what are you talking about?' Every time I say diarrhoea I'm imagining all of our listeners going, 'Why does he keep saying that word?' Sorry guys. A little bit of Chinese culture.
Dilu: I have no idea what's going on. So the conclusion is 肯定是食物中毒了。肯定是食物中毒了。
John: So we've definitely gotten food poisoning. So that 了 is because it’s a verb. 'We have been food poisoned'.
Dilu: 对。我们肯定是食物中毒。
John: So the guy offers to do something about it.
Dilu: 对。他说“我等会儿去药店买点止泻药吧”。
John: 等会儿。This doesn't mean 'wait for a while', right?
Dilu: 这里指的等会儿就是“过一会儿”。
John: So, 'in a little while'.
Dilu: 或者是‘later’,对.
John: 'Later'. So he's going to go where?
Dilu: 去药店。药店。
John: The medicine store, or the pharmacy, and buy...
Dilu: 买点儿止泻药。止泻药。
John: So 药 is a kind of medicine, in this case 止泻。泻 is a one-character way of referring to diarrhoea, so literally it means 'stop diarrhoea medicine', 'anti-diarrhoeal medicine'.
Dilu: 对对对。这个‘泻’呢就是指拉肚子。那‘止泻’呢就是,啊,停止拉肚子。
John: So the name of the medicine is...
Dilu: 止泻药。止泻药。
John: 3rd, 4th, 4th.
Dilu: 没错。
John: Let's listen to this dialog one more time.
Dilu: John,你在中国有没有食物中毒的经历?
John: Yes, I do have a food poisoning experience or two.
Dilu: 哦,真的吗?你说来听听。
John: One of them was when I first came to China, I ended up in the hospital with an IV.
Dilu: 为什么呢?
John: Ate something bad. I was cooking on my own, and I don't know what I did.
Dilu: 原来是这样。
John: But the one I remember even more clearly was when I went to Taiwan, I went to 台北, and 台北 has a very famous...
Dilu: 小吃街是吗?
John: They have a 夜市。
Dilu: 对对对。很有名。
John: A night market with lots of snacks and stuff, so if you go to 台北 you have to go to the 夜市。So I went there, and I tried lots of different things and I left the next day. And the next day I just felt terrible, you know there was a little bit of the 恶心。
Dilu: What did you eat?
John: 想吐。拉肚子。All that stuff.
Dilu: But, what did you eat!?
John: I don't know, 小吃。
Dilu: Some kind of bug?
John: No bugs, normal food. So the next day, I was in Hong Kong for the first time. I got to spend two days there, and of that two days I spent a day and a half just in my hotel room.
Dilu: Not in the hospital?
John: No, just either in bed or in the bathroom.
Dilu: Poor you.
John: That wasn't too bad, it wasn't the worst experience.
Dilu: 那你有没有去买止泻药嘛?
John: 止泻药 I think I pretty much take wherever I go in China now.
Dilu: 噢,啊对。
John: Just in case.
Dilu: 对对对。我们一般性出去旅游的时候都会带一点止泻药。
John: I think that's good advice. If you're coming to China on vacation, just bring a little.
Dilu: 什么意思吗?
John: Because we're foreigners. We're not used to some of the food.
Dilu: 好吧。好吧。
John: If you have any questions though, or any experiences you want to share, please come to and let us have them.
Dilu: Then we'll see you there. 再见。
John: 再见。
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