March 29, 2011, 12:52 PM posted in General DiscussionYeah! Tech guys! I've asked before, but maybe someone different is there now. The pinyin lyrics in the mp3 file all run in together - not spaces. It'sjollyhardtoread!!!
If you would put spaces between the pinyin words that would be great! Thanks in advance.

Thanks! I'm sure your mobile listeners will really appreciate a fix.

10 weeks later - still no action.
Nothing has changed. The pinyin is still one continuous stream of letters and numbers.
Can you get the tech staff to put in an immediate action plan? That would be really good.
No more dilly-dallying heh!
March 30, 2011, 05:45 AMHi zhong bide, thank you for pointing out this discrepency between the pinyin in the lyrics section of the mp3 file and our pdf transcript. I have notified our tech team regarding this and they will try to fix this in the near future. We appreciate your support for ChinesePod.