PDF Text in iPad or iPhone
April 18, 2011, 04:20 PM posted in General DiscussionIs there a way to download the show, the fix, the dialogue (all audio) and PDF text through iTunes -- then sync up to your ipad or iphone, and be able to view and open the PDF text? I'd like to review audio and text at the same time when on the go. At present, the PDF opens up fine on my computer via iTunes, but does not show up on my iPod. I am trying to avoid importing each PDF file into Goodreader in order to listen to audio, while view PDF text. Thanks!
April 19, 2011, 02:04 AMThere might be an easier way, but this was the "work around" that I found. In iTunes, right-click on the PDF --> Get Info --> Options --> change the Media Type from PodCast to Books. Then when you do the sync with the iPhone, it stores the PDF in the iBooks section and you can open it and read it while listening to the podcast/dialogue/review.