Help with typing in Chinese
September 17, 2011, 05:38 PM posted in General DiscussionI have a Macbook OS X ver. 10.5.8. I was wondering if any techies out there would help me with typing in Chinese. I very new to the site but I want to know how for the future. I know how to switch from USA to Chinese but what do these options (ITABC, Wubi Xing, Wubi Hua) mean? Why isn't there just a piyin option? Do I need to update my Mac? Answering these question will help me tons!
September 18, 2011, 03:35 PMThanks a bunch or should I say 谢谢!
September 17, 2011, 11:31 PMGo to "System Preferences" and open "International". 1st Select the Language tab and click the edit list and follow the instructions (I think these characters筒体中文). Next select "Input Menu". You shound have "Simplified and Traditional input methods to choose from. Check "Show input menu" at the bottom so it shows up in the menu bar. It makes it easier to switch between languages.
You can also go to and down load
QIMand install it. You will have to go throught "international" menu above to select it after it logs and you log back in.
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