Third try: The Inofficial Grammar Index for Intermediate and UI (beta 0.1)

December 24, 2007, 09:02 AM posted in General Discussion
  • This list covers grammar points and related content from all Intermediate and Upper Intermediate lessons until December 23rd of 2007.
  • It only enlists points mentioned or discussed in the banter of the lessons.
  • This first version is still beta - please be forgiving...
  • Over time my understanding of what needs to be in this list slowly grew. In the beginning I was pretty strict but later I catched everything that seemed relatively context-spanning. So it is not only grammar but also "function words", "functional words", and even "general phrases",
  • Where possible, I tried to sort in each point according to its name, its translations, its functions, and its grammatical role.
  • After the Grammar Guide was gone I could not check grammatical categories - so there might be mistakes in those categories.
  • As the production process took several months and there will probably be some small inconsistencies in the list.

I will post it in chunks. I hope it  works now...

Please wait with comments until I entered the final "Z"-part.

I hope the transfer works...Have fun!
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December 24, 2007, 09:03 AM

A.D. In: D0355 year: 公元, here: 公元495年 related
阿宝 In: C0684 阿宝 as an affectionate a way to address a child related
ability In: C0378 允许 related
about In: C0623 差不多 (here: 和平时差不多) related
above In: D0362 地下 vs. 地面 related
absolutes In: C0084 没人 (here: 没人接) related
In: C0169 use of "人家" related
In: C0336 充满 (here: 充满兴奋) related
In: C0378 人家 (here: 人家都在用功学习,补课) related
In: C0395 不是。。。就是 (不是坐在办公室里,就是坐在家里看电视)
In: C0395 准 (here: 听你的准没错!) related
In: C0414 老是 (here: 你老是乱说) related
In: C0414 光 in 挑光 (here: 这年头好男人都被人挑光了)
In: C0414 各 for "every" (here: 各方面条件都不错) related
In: C0456 不管。。。都 (here: 不管到什么地方,都要去亲身感受一下当地的摇滚乐) related
In: C0462 不管。。。都 (here: 他以前不管多忙,都会抽时间陪我) related
In: C0486 无数 (here: 发了无数条短信) related
In: C0488 complement: 不停 (here: 夸个不停) related
In: C0510 不是。。。就是 (here: 不是上电视就是上报纸)
In: C0529 所有。。。都 (here in: 所有的这个clowns都出来了) related QW
In: C0557 就 and the pattern: 有什么。。。就会 (有什么需求,就会找什么样的男人。)
In: C0593 万万 related
In: C0600 千万 / 千万别 related
In: C0731 "minumum" in "minimum consumption": 最低消费 related
In: C0731 不停地 (here: 不停地劝酒) related
In: D0166 底 (here: 底价) related
In: D0215 遍布 related
In: D0298 一无所知 related
In: D0362 到处 related
In: D0362 成天 related
In: D0362 无论。。。还是 related
In: D0374 各位 related
In: D0374 不管。。。还是 related