Lesson transcripts - Taking requests
December 20, 2011, 03:19 AM posted in General Discussion
Ah, thanks for replying mate. Strangely my phone will only let me enter text when replying to other users' comments but not when I initiate a comment (hence the random bullet point above!) . I think I'd rather do a few more UI's first. They are a hard aloft as it is and I want to get quicker at them before moving on to advanced. Also tbh when I first listen to a UI lesson in only picking up 40 to 50% which isn't enough to properly understand. It's only once I've done the transcript that i truly understand what was said.
Anyway, I guess my offer was more aimed at the people still struggling with the jump to Intermediate. I can roll off an inter lesson pretty quick these days and I'm sure ill have some time to kill over Xmas. Having said that ill drip by your Advanced transcript and try a 30sec slot or two.
"ill drip by your Advanced transcript and try a 30sec slot or two"
oh man [he exclaimed excitedly], that's all I ask. I am excited now. hehe, I feel like the cat from green eggs and ham right now...try it and you'll see, Advanced transcripts are good for thee...heehee ;)
Hey Chris, can I tempt you to transcribe todays Advanced lesson:
...very appropriate I think. You're going great guns in UI and this lesson at the junction of 2011/2012 looking forward and looking back, a lesson that is a discussion only, seems so appropriate to transcribe. What say ye?
I just tried a segment. Wow, much more difficult. Might try a couple more segments later. I even had trouble working out which of the girls was talking!
I just saw it and was very excited and was just about to congratulate you and say...see, I knew you could do it. I haven't gone over what you've done but it looks like you've done a really good job. You want to have a few queries or you're not stretching yourself/ learning I reckon.
Also, I thought this lesson may grab your interest a lot more, but I suspect it's a lot harder than a usual advanced....for a few reasons....a normal lesson has the lesson content so a lot of the discussion is around that for which you have the tabs to help you. Also in this one, having 4 hosts makes it a lot harder and they're all talking excitedly and laughing. So honestly, I think it's one of the hardest Advanced lessons and you'd find others a lot more like an UI.
December 20, 2011, 03:25 AMoo,ooow, good idea. Over here, over here:
..have you seen it? r we there yet?