Where to find job postings for jobs in China?
October 30, 2012, 02:07 AM posted in I Have a Question大家好!
And a special hello to all who might remember me!
I'm a bit out of touch as to the best places to look for advertisements for jobs in China. I actually am not really looking for myself. I'm a Chinese teacher, and what I would like to do is ocassionally pull out an adverstisement for an awesome job that has to do with China and then say to my students, "See, you really could do something awesome with Chinese if you stick with it."
So if anyone knows, please let me know.

爸爸,你好!我很高兴看到你给我打个招呼。我最近还可以,现在已经在美国一年多了。 我现在在两所学校当作中文老师,还有在一所周末的培训学校教一节课也叫中文。我和我老婆买了一栋房子,这栋应该比较合算,我们俩很喜欢。我女儿上上个星期过了生日,她已经两岁了,中国人应该谦虚点,可是我不是中国人,所以我要告诉你她非常可爱,啊啊。

哦,恭喜恭喜你们,很好的新闻。我好像记得你是原来从密歇根的,对不对?。。。或者至少从那个美国中西部,对吧? 你现在还住在那个地区呢?我希望你们不住在纽约附近,都很安全。。。那个台风真个很恐怖。其实希望我们的美国人朋友都很安全
谢谢你的关心, 我也还可以,没事,没有任何有意思的新闻。。。真无聊呵呵




多谢朋友你的解释。我到现在没听过无忧无虑。。。我看到翻译是“carefree and without worries" which is close to what I was trying to say, but at least the English translation is not exactly what I was trying to say. I was trying to say "no pressure" ...which means..."no pressure from me"...as in he shouldn't feel obliged or under any pressure/ obligation from me. I'm wondering if this expression 无忧无虑 has that implication in it, or whether, if it doesn't, there is nothing closer

I just stumbled upon this post and saw your reply, unfortunately in a haste I didn't go through the whole conversation between you and Mister XiaoPhil. Now I 've gone through them so that I can give you a better answer.
I figure you want to express that 'Don't worry,buddy,it's both okay whether you've got time to pay me a visit or not."
If so,as far as I know,an idiomatic way of saying it in Chinese will be
别放在心上 is not an idiom or slang or a fixed collocation,it's just what we say a lot in our daily life.It contains the meaning that 'pls don't take it as a must-do or having a sense of obligation to do something, you can decide whatever you want to do and I will just approve it."
Hope my explanation helps.

知道了,很好的解释,好像“别放在心上”是蛮好的说法我觉得,多谢朋友 :)


好的,我刚才发了你电子邮件 :)

I just go through my E-mailbox and nothing happened.Anyways,it must be the problem of my side.
Could you friend me on Skype? My Skype name:Johnson_the_introvert
My preliminary plan:(You can perfect the plan with your advice)
一 发音
1 你选一篇中文材料,适合你程度的,然后读给我听,我会实时纠正你的发音,然后根据你的提问来解释里面的字,词,句,固定用法等等。(当然需要提前做些功课,我也一样)
2 然后我同样做一次,当然也需要你的帮助啦。
一 Pronunciation
1 You specifically pick one Chinese article which suit your current level,then you read it to me and ask me anything about the usage of characters,phrases,sentences and fixed collocations.(To guarantee the effectiveness you need to prepare it beforehand).Then I will listen to you and correct your pronunciation in real time and answer your questions out of question.
2 Vice versa, I will do the same, it also need your help.
二 自由对话
二 Free talk
1. Before each talk, we will choose one topic,for instance,Transportation.You try your very best to introduce Transportation system in your country in Chinese to me.No less than 3 minutes.I will write down the places that need improving.
2 Vice versa, I will do it in English,and it requires your help as well.
Feel free to let me know how do you think of it?
Thank you.

That's strange because I sent 3 messages and they all said they'd been sent successfully, and I cc'd myself and a copy of all 3 came through ok.
So I'd suggest checking that the email address that you have registered with ChinesePod is the one you are currently using. To do this just click on either your avatar or your username and then on the screen that takes you to, click on settings in the top left corner. From there you will see the email account you have registered with CPod. I know you've been here on the boards from time to time for some time, so it might be an old email address. If you find it's still the same email address, perhaps check your junk folder.
I'll look you up on skype later when I get home. I also cant read the hanzi at the moment so I'll read the rest of your post when I can get the whole picture
Thanks mate,
Baba :)

I just went through the mailbox again which I had been using for over 7 years. Maybe that anti-spam system has xenophobia hahaha..( I also checked the junk box again)
Don't worry,be happy and take care.

Can you try PMing me then and in the PM give me your email address?
I added you on skype
Cheers Baba

November 12, 2012, 05:24 AMI don't know a cool website either about jobs in China for which you search. So let me get that out of the way. Everything below is tangential to your basic question.
My thought is around how teachers of language position learning the language. I remember a French teacher asking a similar question you asked around how useful a language is (in her case, French), and citing jobs at the State Department, the UN and so on. Her college has a good listing of why students should consider studying French.
I don't know, but i'm sure you already have this type of stuff for Chinese, or could easily universal replace "Chinese" for "French" in many cases on such a website.
If I might make a suggestion: language teachers should partner their language training with another skill FIRST. I know that the companies I was at or was interested in hiring for, or knew we were hiring for primarily needed a guy/woman who could do the job. For me, it was really important for someone to know IT. Chinese is key as well, but then, the need was fluent Chinese, something that students tend not to have. Even if they have it, what was key was having IT knowledge and background. Language-focused websites could do a better job of focusing on the fact that while there are jobs available for "Chinese" speakers, that there are relatively few jobs available for some otherwise untrained person to get a job with just Chinese.

By the way, I reread this post, and it sounds a bit harsher than I intend. I mean no offense; just trying to offer a suggestion.

Pretzellogic, your words are of truth though it's a bit harsh indeed.

Since the Twitter is being used widely, few people write at great lengths like this on the internet.
November 21, 2012, 04:11 AMtrovit
October 30, 2012, 03:57 AM"And a special hello to all who might remember me!"
虽然好久不见,当然我记得你!你最近怎么样? 不好意思,我不能帮助你的问题 。。。祝你幸运