Intermediate - Where have all the videos gone? - Poddies collaboration
January 15, 2013, 02:47 AM posted in Transcripts with TalRight-Wingnut
John: Hey there Intermediate learners, this is ChinesePod, I'm John.
Dilu: 你好,我是Dilu。欢迎收听中文播客。
John: Today we've got a lesson about online video. Is that right?
Dilu: 没错。我们今天的key word就是下载,视频。下载,视频。
John: That's actually two key words, right?
Dilu: 对。
John: So the first one is ...
Dilu: 下载。
John: 4th tone, 3rd tone, and it means 'to download'. And the second one is ...
Dilu: 视频。视频。第四声和第二声。
January 17, 2013, 02:22 AM5:00-5:30
January 15, 2013, 08:32 AM1:30-2:00
John: So we found out in the first line what kind of videos they were talking about, right? Its not a YouTube video. What is it?
Dilu: 第一个女孩儿,她在说:美剧视频。
John: 美剧视频。So what kind of video is that?
Dilu: 就是美国的。'剧'可能是'电视剧'。((也?))可能是'电影'。
John: So you just said 电视剧. So that's like 'TV drama', like a TV series.
Dilu: 是的。
John: And when we say 美剧, 3rd tone - 4th tone, that means 'an American TV series'.
January 17, 2013, 01:10 AM2:00-2:30
Dilu: 是的。美剧。第三声和第四声。但是她说很多美剧视频在网上不能看了。
John: So this 不能看了。不能看 - can't see? Don't have the ability to see? Its impossible to see them?
Dilu: 对。就是没有这个link。找不到了。
John: So the 了 at the end of this 不能看了, it tells us 'any more'. If you can't see them anymore, you can't find them anymore. Something changed.
January 15, 2013, 08:29 AM00:30-1:00
John: 4th tone, 2nd tone. That means video. So what kind of video exactly are we talking about? Your going to find out in the dialog.
0:40 - dialog
January 17, 2013, 01:36 AM3:00-3:30
Dilu: 因为版权问题,他们都不敢放了。他们都不敢放了。
John: So suddenly we have a 他们 here. Who are we talking about when we say 他们?
Dilu: 这里的他们是说:各种各样的网站。
John: So the websites? Or the people that run the websites?
Dilu: 说的是网站。
John: The websites.
Dilu: 对。
John: So they all 不敢放了。So 不敢 means to not dare to do something, right?
Dilu: 是的。不敢。那这个动词是放。
January 17, 2013, 01:47 AM3:30-4:00
John: So 放, 4th tone, that can mean a lot of things. Don't you use that to play a video? But they're not talking about 'playing' videos, right?
Dilu: 这边指的是把这个video放在网上。
John: Put the video online. Put these videos on their websites.
Dilu: 对。或者是upload。也可以。
John: So if I understand this correctly, the websites are no longer willing to put videos on their sites because of copyright issues.
January 17, 2013, 01:55 AM4:00-4:30
Dilu: 没错。就是这个意思。因为版权问题,他们都不敢放了。
John: And previously, one of the most famous websites for finding all kinds of video, copyrighted or not was what?
Dilu: 优酷。
John: 优酷。
Dilu: 对。
John: So 1st tone, 4th tone.
Dilu: 你也用过优酷吧John?
John: 用过。
Dilu: 那现在呢?
John: 现在也用啊。
Dilu: 但是他们说这个事情连优酷上都没有了。
John: So the copyrighted ones. So 'even on 优酷 there aren't any anymore'. Right?
January 17, 2013, 02:07 AM4:30-5:00
John: What's that structure we have?
Dilu: 连优酷上都没有了。
John: So 'even on , this 连-something-都.
Dilu: 对。连...什么什么...都。那现在优酷上面没有了。
John: You'll notice that this 了 frequently follows 没有. 没有了. So, originally they had it, now they don't have it any more. 没有了.
Dilu: 那他们变化的原因呢是优酷上市了。
January 17, 2013, 01:18 AM2:30-3:00
Dilu: 对。以前是难看的,现在不能看了。那为什么呢?是因为版权的问题。
John: 版权问题。What are the tones on 版权?
Dilu: 第三声和第二声。版权。版权问题。
John: 3rd-2nd. 权 refers to 'rights'. And 版权 refers to 'copyrights".
Dilu: 是的。
John: So 'copyright issues' ((in a DRM???)) - that kind of thing.
January 15, 2013, 02:48 AM00:00-00:30