Intermediate - You've been blacklisted - Poddies collaboration
January 27, 2013, 10:50 PM posted in Transcripts with TalYou've Been Blacklisted: Lesson here
John: Hi guys, this is Chinese Pod, Intermediate lesson, I'm John.
Dilu: 你好, 我是Dilu。欢迎收听中文播客,中级课程。
John: Today we've got a lesson about a special function of some cell phone, but this can also be extended to other areas of life.
Dilu: 对。我们今天讲黑名单。黑名单。
John: Literally that's 'black name list'.
Dilu: 可以是手机上的黑名单。也可以是QQ或者是email上的黑名单。
January 27, 2013, 10:59 PM00:30-01:00
John: So whether its a cellphone or QQ or email, you can have a blacklist in any of these.
Dilu: 对。那我们今天对话里面呢,实在讲一个手机上的黑名单。
John: So let's listen to the dialog.
00:45 - Dialog
John: At the beginning of the dialog, this girl's complaining that someone keeps calling her.
Dilu: 对。她说:烦死了,又是这个人的电话。
John: Then the guy asks her if its ... who?
Dilu: 他觉得可能是这个女孩子的追求者。追求者。
January 27, 2013, 11:10 PM2:00-2:30
John: 追求, 1st-2nd, that's a verb meaning 'to pursue'.
Dilu: 没错。第一声和第二声。追求。那追求者就是追求你的人。喜欢你的人。
John: It sounds 'stalkery', is it?
Dilu: 不是。应该是对你有好感。然后你也认识的人。
John: Someone who's pursuing you - a pursuer. But its not that, right?
Dilu: 不是。是一个销售。
January 27, 2013, 11:18 PM2:30-3:00
John: 销售 - that means 'salesperson'.
Dilu: 是的。第一声和第四声。销售。
John: So its the same word for 'sales' in general as it is for 'salesperson'.
Dilu: 没错。这个动词和名词是一样的。销售的人和销售。 这个动作就是一样。
John: 销售 - 1st tone, 4th tone. Then what does the guy say?
Dilu: 那你不接不就行了?那你不接不就行了?
John: So notice the end - its like this rhetorical question. What have you tacked on the end?
January 27, 2013, 11:25 PM3:00-3:30
Dilu: 什么什么...不就行了。不就行了。
John: Its kind of like in English when you say 'Why don't you just ...'. 'The solution is so simple - just do this'.
Dilu: 对的。它是一个发问句。[加强]他的语气。就是这么简单。你[只要]这么做就可以了。
John: So first - solution - and then 不就行了.
Dilu: 比如说:你说这个东西这么贵,那别人会说:那你不买,不就行了。
John: Like all the people complaining about the new iPhone being expensive - 'so just don't buy it'.
January 27, 2013, 11:40 PM3:30-4:00
Dilu: 对。还有人说:啊呀我[zhang pao ??]了。And the guys will probably say: 那你不吃,不就行了。
John: 'Stop eating'. Ok, that's pretty clear. Then what does the girl say?
Dilu: 就算不接,经常打来也很烦的。
John: 'Even if I don't answer, him calling me all the time is still annoying'. How do we say 'even if'?
Dilu: 这里有一个结构,叫:就算...什么什么...也...什么什么。
January 27, 2013, 11:50 PM4:00-4:30
John: 就算, that's two 4th tones.
Dilu: 对。两个第四声。就算。
John: So: 就算 - some kind of situation - and then 也.
Dilu: 就算不接,经常打来也很烦的。
John: So: 就算 - you do this - 也 - its still that way.
Dilu: 对对对。这个男的又有另外一个suggestion。他说:那你把他的号码加入黑名单。把他的号码加入黑名单。
January 27, 2013, 11:56 PM4:30-5:00
John: Here we have the 把 pattern. You take something and you do something with it.
Dilu: 没错。
John: He's saying take what?
Dilu: 把他的号码加入黑名单。
John: 'Take his number and add it to a blacklist'.
Dilu: 对。这是一个[典型]的把[字/子]句。把号码加入黑名单。
John: 加入, 1st tone - 4th tone, that means to 'add into', 'to add to'.
Dilu: 是的。
John: And its a little bit formal. Its not a word that you use in everyday conversations. But the reason its a little formal is because that's what the actual cellphone will say in its menu.
January 27, 2013, 10:48 PM00:00-00:30