Intermediate - Give Up Your Seat Young Man
February 02, 2013, 01:17 AM posted in Transcripts with TalLesson here.
John: Hey guys, this is ChinesePod, an Intermediate lesson, I'm John.
Dilu: 大家好,我是。欢迎收听中文播客。
John: Today in this lesson we've got a scene on a bus.
Dilu: 没错。今天我们是在公交车上面。
John: 公交车 means a public bus.
Dilu: 对。
John: That's three 1st tones.
Dilu: 没错。三个第一声。工交车。
John: And what's the issue here in this dialog?
Dilu: 今天我们要说:让座。让座。
February 02, 2013, 01:23 AM00:30-1:00
John: So 让座 literally means 'yield seat'.
Dilu: 就是把你的座位给别人坐。
John: So you give up your seat for someone.
Dilu: 对。
John: So we're going to listen in on a scene; a little bit confrontational here; how typical it is we're going to say at the very end of the lesson, but first let's listen and get into all the language.
Dilu: 好,我们先听以下对话。
0:54 - dialog
February 02, 2013, 01:29 AM1:00-1:30
February 02, 2013, 01:29 AM1:30-2:00
February 02, 2013, 01:29 AM2:00-2:30
John: So in the beginning we heard an announcement. This is something that you really hear on buses in Shanghai.
Dilu: 差不多是这样子的。这个recording说:欢迎乘坐712路公交车。
John: 欢迎乘坐. So what is 乘坐?
Dilu: 乘坐就是:坐。
John: Ride.
Dilu: 对,就是ride。
John: And then 712路公交车. This is number 712 bus.
Dilu: 对。在中国公交车的话就会说:几路几路?
February 02, 2013, 01:37 AM2:30-3:00
John: What about 几好?
Dilu: 不太[?]说号,都是说路。
John: And what's the next part?
Dilu: 请给需要帮助的乘客让个座。
John: 乘客, what's that?
Dilu: 乘客就是指坐车的人。
John: Passenger.
Dilu: 对。
John: So what this is saying is 'please give your seat to passengers that need help'.
Dilu: 对。请给需要帮助的乘客让个座。
February 02, 2013, 01:45 AM3:00-3:30
John: So 'passengers that need help' is kind of long. How do you say that?
Dilu: 需要帮助的乘客。
John: So it all comes before 乘客, it modifies 乘客.
Dilu: 对。
John: 让个座 and 让座 - the same?
Dilu: 让个座就是让一个座位。
John: 'A' seat.
Dilu: 对。
John: So at the beginning we hear probably a middle aged woman talking to a young guy. What does she say to him?
Dilu: 小伙子。小伙子。
John: That's like 'young man'?
February 02, 2013, 01:53 AM3:30-4:00
Dilu: 就是年纪大的人跟年纪小的。就是男的青年会这么说:小伙子。
John: Its a little weird because in English we don't have anything except for 'young man'. This feels a little bit informal, like 'you guy', but ... anyway the tones are 3, 3, neutral.
Dilu: 对。两个第三声和一个轻声。小伙子。
John: Then what does she say to the 小伙子?
Dilu: 你能让个座吗?你能让个座吗?这边有一个孕妇。
February 02, 2013, 02:01 AM4:00-4:30
John: 孕妇, two 4th tones, what is that?
Dilu: 孕妇就是怀孕的妇女。
John: A pregnant lady.
Dilu: 对。孕妇。两个第四声。
John: That's someone who deserves a seat. And then what does he say?
Dilu: 他说:车上这么挤,你让我站哪儿啊?
John: 车上这么挤。挤 means 'crowded'.
Dilu: 对。第三声。
John: He's saying that the bus is so crowded. Could I say 车这么挤?
February 02, 2013, 02:09 AM4:30-5:00
Dilu: 这也可以,但是车上这么挤更加自然一些。
John: So its more natural to say 'on the bus is so crowded'.
Dilu: 没错。
John: 车上, OK.
Dilu: 车上这么挤,你让我站哪儿啊?
John: Its like 'the bus is so crowded, where do you expect me to stand?' 'Where would you have me stand?'
Dilu: 对。这是一个反问句。
John: So its a rhetorical question.
Dilu: 对。你让我站哪里?
John: I think that this 你让我 - 'where would you have me', 'what would you have me do', is often used in rhetorical questions, right?
February 02, 2013, 01:14 AM0:00-0:30