Intermediate - To Shower or to Bathe?
March 15, 2013, 05:00 AM posted in Transcripts with TalLesson here.
Dilu: 大家好,我是Dilu。欢迎收听中文播客,中级课程。
John: Hey guys, I'm John. This is an Intermediate lesson on ChinesePod.
Dilu: 今天我们要说:洗澡。洗澡。
John: 洗澡, I remember that's two 3rd tones. This is a word with which you're probably already familiar, but in Chinese this word doesn't distinguish between taking a bath and taking a shower.
Dilu: 对。在中文里面有两种不同的洗澡的方法。等一下,我们听对话的时候会听到:一个是shower,一个是take a bath。
March 15, 2013, 05:03 AM0:30-1:00
John: And the context is a hotel. I won't say more than that - let's listen and then we'll explain everything.
Dilu: 好。先听一下对话。
0:44 - Dialog
March 15, 2013, 05:05 AM1:00-1:30
March 15, 2013, 05:05 AM1:30-2:00
John: So right off the bat we hear that one of the girls wants to take a bath.
Dilu: 对。她说:我要泡澡。我要泡澡。
John: 泡澡. This 泡, 4th tone, that means 'to soak'.
Dilu: 对。第四声。
John: So this is the way to say 'take a bath'.
Dilu: 泡澡。泡澡。
John: And this 澡 is the same as 洗澡.
March 15, 2013, 05:29 AM2:00-2:30
Dilu: 对。洗澡的澡。泡澡。她还说要好好放松一下。好好放松一下。
John: 放松, this is a verb, and it means to relax.
Dilu: 对。
John: The tones are ...
Dilu: 第四声和第一声。
John: Now what does it mean to 好好放松 ?
Dilu: 好好就是完全放松。
John: 'Completely relax' for a little while in the tub.
Dilu: 但是她的朋友说:这里是酒店,还是淋浴吧。
John: This is a ... what?
March 15, 2013, 05:35 AM2:30-3:00
Dilu: 酒店。酒店。第三声和第四声。
John: Remember that's not a liquor store.
Dilu: 不是不是不是。
John: But later on we hear what kind of 酒店.
Dilu: 对。她说这是一个五星级酒店。五星级酒店。
John: A 5-star hotel. And how do you say '5-star'? What are the tones there?
Dilu: 五星级。五是第三声。星级是第一声和第二声。
John: Literally '5-star rank hotel'.
March 15, 2013, 05:40 AM3:00-3:30
Dilu: 没错。
John: 'This is a hotel, so ...'
Dilu: 还是淋浴吧。还是淋浴吧。
John: This 还是 - we know we can put that in there when you have a choice between A and B, but this isn't that.
Dilu: 不是。当你有两个选择的时候,如果你说'还是',那后面那个选择会比较好。
John: So you've already considered two options and then you think 还是 this is the good option.
Dilu: 对。
John: You preface your choice with the 还是. And then what is the good option?
March 15, 2013, 05:46 AM3:30-4:00
Dilu: 就是另外一种的洗澡的方法。叫淋浴。淋浴。
John: 淋浴 - 2nd tone, 4th tone.
Dilu: 对。
John: That means 'to take a shower'.
Dilu: 一个是泡澡,一个是淋浴。
John: 泡澡 - take a bath, 淋浴 - take a shower.
Dilu: To be clear, this is a hotel. It would be better to take a shower. So why? That's what they discuss next. What do they say?
Dilu: 花这么多钱住酒店,干嘛不泡?
John: So spending all this money to stay in a nice hotel, why wouldn't you take a bath? How do you say 'why wouldn't you take a bath'?
March 15, 2013, 05:53 AM4:00-4:30
Dilu: 干嘛不泡?干嘛不泡?
John: So this 干嘛 doesn't mean 'what are you doing?'
Dilu: 不是不是。我们经常会说:干嘛不什么什么。就是说你觉得应该要做这个事情。
John: This 干嘛 is 4th, 2nd tones and it means 'why?' So 干嘛不 something is 'why wouldn't you', 'why not do'.
Dilu: 就是为什么不。那在这边,动作就是泡。这个泡就是泡澡。
March 15, 2013, 06:01 AM4:30-5:00
John: So 'Why wouldn't I take a bath?'. Got it. So why not?
Dilu: 因为酒店的浴缸不知道有多少人用过,卫生吗?
John: So the hotel's bathtub. How do you say 'bathtub'?
Dilu: 浴缸。浴缸。第四声和第一声。
John: 4th tone, 1st tone. The hotel's bathtub, don't know how many people have used it.
Dilu: 卫生吗?卫生吗?
March 15, 2013, 04:56 AM0:00-0:30