Intermediate - Kung Fu King Comparisons
April 16, 2013, 01:42 AM posted in Transcripts with TalLesson here.
Dilu: 你好,你好。欢迎收听中文播客,我是 Dilu。
John: Hey guys, I'm John, this is an Intermediate lesson.
Dilu: 今天我们要讲中国人都知道的一个东西。就是'功夫片'。
John: 功夫片 refers to Kung Fu films.
Dilu: 对。就是功夫电影。
John: And we're going to look at two specific very famous Kung Fu stars, and we're going to look at some of the more complex ways to do comparisons in Chinese that are rather suited for the Intermediate level.
April 16, 2013, 07:12 AM0:30-1:00
April 16, 2013, 07:19 AM1:00-1:30
April 16, 2013, 07:20 AM1:30-2:00
John: We mentioned in the Intro 功夫片 means 'Kung Fu films'。
Dilu: 是的。
John: And there's also another way to say 'movies'.
Dilu: 对。就是片子。片子。
John: That's 1st tone and neutral.
Dilu: 没错。第一声和轻声。
John: Does that mean DVDs or movies in the theatre, or what?
Dilu: 他说的就是 movies。你可以说:我今天去 movie theatre 看一个片子。也可以说:我今天去 DVD store 买了一个片子。
John: So if you say 看电影,that means to watch a movie in a movie theatre.
Dilu: 没错。
April 16, 2013, 07:27 AM2:00-2:30
John: Got it. That's when the second guy says that he likes Kung Fu movies.
Dilu: 他说:我比较喜欢看功夫片。我比较喜欢看功夫片。
John: 'I rather like watching Kung Fu movies' or 'I prefer to watch Kung Fu movies'.
Dilu: 比较喜欢。比较喜欢。
John: So this is our first comparison pattern. Its one that's actually really common using 比较。
Dilu: 对。比较喜欢。
John: Or you could say: 我觉得他比较好。
April 16, 2013, 07:33 AM2:30-3:00
Dilu: 我觉得他比较摔。
John: This 比较,you probably understand it but you should get used to using it as well because its very common. Especially with 喜欢.
Dilu: 对。然后他们就再说:偶像。偶像。功夫片的偶像。
John: 偶像 is 3rd tone, 4th tone.
Dilu: 没错。第三声和第四声。
John: It literally means 'idol', but this concept of 'idol' I think originally came from Japan over to Taiwan. Its this idea of a star, its almost like a role model in some ways too.
April 16, 2013, 07:39 AM3:00-3:30
Dilu: 其实就是你喜欢的明星。
John: So a star that you like, and in this case they start talking about ...
Dilu: 李小龙。李小龙。可能外国朋友们都知道李小龙。
John: 李,little dragon 李,in other words Bruce Lee.
Dilu: Bruce Lee.
John: So the tones on his name are ...
Dilu: 李,the surname - 3rd tone, and 小龙 - 3rd tone and 2nd tone. 李小龙。
April 16, 2013, 07:46 AM3:30-4:00
John: And then the guy added what? Bruce Lee is ...
Dilu: 他是永远的功夫之王。他是永远的功夫之王。
John: 永远, two 3rd tones, that means 'forever'.
Dilu: 没错。
John: And then 之王 means 'king of'.
Dilu: 对。我们这里说的'功夫之王'就是 the king of Kung Fu.
John: And 永远的功夫之王 is like 'the eternal Kung Fu king', 'he will always be the Kung Fu king', the King of Kung Fu.
April 16, 2013, 08:08 AM4:00-4:30
Dilu: 对的。是不是很多人都是这么觉得的。李小龙,他是永远的功夫之王。还有很多什么什么之王,比如说:动物之王。就是我们说到老虎。
John: The Chinese think that the tiger is the king of the animals.
Dilu: 因为它的脸上有一个[王]。
John: 那狮子呢?
Dilu: 狮子,它也比较厉害吧,[但]它不[粉饰]王吧。
John: Anyway in this lesson we're talking about Kung Fu, not animals. So what does the first guy think of 李小龙 ?
April 16, 2013, 08:21 AM4:30-5:00
Dilu: 他说:李小龙是不错,不过我更崇拜成龙一些。
John: First of all he says 李小龙是不错。 Now when you've learned how to use adjectives, you know that you don't need to use 是 in a sentence like this.
Dilu: 对。你可以说:李小龙不错。
John: But here there is one. It serves a special purpose, which is ...
Dilu: 因为他后面要说:李小龙不好。
John: You're conceding a point: well yeah, he's not bad - but ...
April 16, 2013, 07:05 AM0:00-0:30