Intermediate - No Fear of Street Food
May 10, 2013, 09:06 AM posted in Transcripts with TalLesson here.
Dilu: 你好,我是 Dilu。欢迎收听中文播客,中级课程。
John: Hey guys, I'm John. This is an Intermediate lesson on ChinesePod.
Dilu: 今天我们又是一个比较有中国特色的课文。
John: Chinese characteristics. We're talking about street food today.
Dilu: 对。我们的 key word 是'小吃'。小吃。
John: 'Little eat'. I've seen this translated as 'snack', but then you might be tempted to think that a bag of potato chips is 小吃。
Dilu: 对。但是那个不是小吃。
May 10, 2013, 09:09 AM0:30-1:00
John: So what is 小吃 really?
Dilu: 小吃指的是说比较小[分 or 份]的 dish。一般性会比较简单,而且比较便宜。
John: So pretty small in terms of quantity, pretty cheap food.
Dilu: 对。一般都是指比较传统的吃的东西。
John: So they're usually traditional Chinese food that is small and cheap. So that rules out potato chips and French fries and all that stuff.
Dilu: 好。那我们先来听一下对话。
May 10, 2013, 09:16 AM1:00-1:30
May 10, 2013, 09:16 AM1:30-2:00
John: So when you talk about street food, one of the words you frequently hear is 小吃。But also when you talk about those street stalls on the side of the road, there's another word you frequently hear.
May 10, 2013, 09:18 AM2:00-2:30
D: 对。 叫:路边摊。路边摊。
J: So 路边 litterally means: 'by the side of the road'.
D: 嗯。
J: And what is 摊 exactly ?
D: 可能就会有一些桌子跟椅子, 它就是一个摊子。
J: So might have a table, could be a stall, a stand, might have a tiny [????] upon table and some stools.
D: 但是一般性都会比较简单。
J: But it's portable, right ?
J: it might have a tiny [portable] table and some stools
I never remember the right way to write this "literally" !! Grrr !
You know the right way to write write and right :)
Plus we are here to learn chinese...I couldn't even fathom learning chinese through a 'second' language...
Hey Vero,
I'm not sure if you want all those trivial things corrected or not...let me know. No one cares too much about such minor spelling mistakes [except maybe if it was on a job application or cv which case you can use spell checkers] and native speakers like myself make them all the time [ though I guess mostly this is through carelessness than not knowing, thus the possible potential benefit of correcting someone who is aiming for perfection, to make sure they know, if that's what they want]
Hey guys,
Thanks for your kindness. Just a few words to tell you that I won't be able to continue this transcript before at least tomorrow or wednesday, so if anyone wants to work on it before I do, it will be OK too (and maybe faster than if I try to end it myself).
May 14, 2013, 01:59 AM2:30-3:00
Dilu: 对。一般性都是可以移动的。
John: Not like a building which is a full restaurant.
Dilu: 对。路边摊。
John: What sentence did we see this word 路边摊 in?
Dilu: 这个男生跟这个女生说:别吃路边摊了。别吃路边摊了。
John: So we have a 了 here. We've learned before that if we say 别...something...了, it means 'stop doing something'.
Dilu: 但是在这里有点不一样。这里是说这个女孩子,她想去吃路边摊。那这个男的好像说他不想吃。Trying to change her mind.
May 14, 2013, 04:36 AM3:00-3:30
May 10, 2013, 09:01 AM0:00-0:30