Firefox support - 2
February 04, 2008, 01:26 PM posted in General Discussion-reposting this because it does not come up through the system....
I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing problems using Firefox as a browser on this website.
1) The new vocabulary interface just doesn't work. I can not see a single word
2) applying the labels 'studied' and'remove' doesn't produce any effect. Before it used to work sometimes, most of the times it did not produce any result. Now this feature is totally broken.
I use the latest released version of Firefox (2.0.11).
A couple of questions.
Am I the only one with this problem? I it something being worked on by CP? Is this the end of support for other browsers but MSIE?
February 04, 2008, 02:53 PMI am trying to track down the error. It is a fact that the script is not error free. I get the following error messages in the error console: 1 - uncaught exception: requires the Prototype JavaScript framework >= 1.5.0 2 - jQuery is not defined Bronbestand: Regel: 62 3 - Fout: $ is not defined Bronbestand: Regel: 127 It may be that MSIE is less fault tolerant than Firefox. Could someone please look into this?
February 04, 2008, 06:44 PMHi marchey - I can't really help, since I'm not a techie, but I thought I'd let you know that Firefox is almost all I ever use, and it's working fine with Chinesepod for me...
February 05, 2008, 06:09 AMEverything is working here too now. I didn't change anything to my config and rebooting can't be the reason because I tried that several times yesterday. But it seems to be fixed. Good.
February 13, 2008, 07:31 AMImportant! I have been able to solve the Firefox/Flash problem at my end by downgrading the Flash plugin on my system to version 8. This actually very easy to achieve. First, uninstall the current flashplayer plugin. Then download version 8 from the website and install this version. It works for me. The 15 flash audiofile limitation seems to have gone.
February 13, 2008, 08:49 AMI noticed that Firefox 3 Beta 3 was released yesterday and decided to take the plunge. This also seems to have resolved the Flash far. A load of extensions don't work though and ChinesePera-kun crashes Firefox.
February 13, 2008, 10:30 AMmarchey, I also tried the Flash downgrade, unfortunately that caused the exercises to stop loading and many other web pages popped up messages advising an upgrade to the Flash player. I gave up and resorted to IETab which seems to work OK and it can be set to auto switch at so it's almost transparent. So far FF3 is working fine and most extensions (except ChinesePera-kun) are working after a "fix" to about:config.
February 13, 2008, 01:10 PMCorrection: Firefox 3 Beta 3 does not fix the Flash player problem. Back to Firefox 2 and IE Tab!
February 04, 2008, 02:33 PMMy Firefox browser seems to work fine with the vocabulary manager as does Safari. That said, I keep my ad-ons to a minimum.