March 06, 2008, 03:24 PM posted in General DiscussionAny scientists here who know the Chinese for "Entropy"? - found 熵 in a dictionary, seems to have two alternative pronunciations, shang1 and di1, neither of these registered with our Chinese teacher.

March 06, 2008, 05:54 PMvery few people would know what entropy means unless they studied advanced physics or systems theory, that's certainly one concept I've had a hard time grasping. 熵 is made up of : 火 [huǒ] radical/semantic (部首/形旁) 商 [shāng] phonetic (声旁) This is intimately linked to thermodynamics 热力学 rèlìxué (the study of heat energy :-) and disorder / chaos 混乱 hùnluàn
March 06, 2008, 05:39 PM熵 shang1 is entropy. Most english teachers wouldnt know what entropy was so I am not suprised that a Chinese teacher is unfamiliar with 熵.