How to put lessons on my Ipod
March 18, 2008, 07:05 PM posted in General DiscussionHi
I am new to this. Untill now I cant figure out
how to put old lessons on my Ipod.
Can anyone help me.
Thanks a lot.
March 19, 2008, 03:00 AMActually, simalin asked a very good question - one I wouldnt mind getting the answer to myself. See, I already have Chinesepod set to download as a podcast to iTunes - but I didnt have any of the posts older than when I subscribed bookmarked at the time. Therefore, I wouldnt mind knowing just how to get those older posts into iTunes and in their appropriete spaces once there... @gesang- unfortuantly it didn't work - do I need to resubscribe to chinesepod??
March 19, 2008, 03:23 AMGo to a lesson and.... 1. Right click on the "Podcast MP3" link, save it to your desktop. (Do the same with "The Fix" if you use them). 2. Open iTunes 3. Go to "File"...."Import"... - Import the "Podcast MP3" you saved to your desktop're good to go!
March 19, 2008, 03:29 AMWell, that does get the file into iTunes. However, how do I get the file into the Podcasts area where it belongs? right now, it is held in the music area. If I keep it there, It will be quite lost. Maybe I just need to suck it up and jimmyrig a playlist fix. Unless someone knows something better...
March 19, 2008, 04:01 AMThat's a good question...I'm not sure. I always "manually" import lessons. Everytime I import a lesson, I change the the Genre name to ChinesePod. That way they're all in one place in iTunes and on my iPod.
March 19, 2008, 06:14 AMIf you are a subsrciber to ChinesePod then the easiest way to get lessons on your iPod is by using the "Personal Feed" as gesang suggests. If you are not a subscriber, or prefer to do this manually, there is no easy way to get the lessons to appear as podcasts. If you are on a Mac there are rumours that you can do this with Apple Script. Other than that I think you'll have to rely on smart playlists based on something like Genre as calkins suggests.
March 19, 2008, 04:36 PMalrighty then,. thanks. I'll have to do just customize a few playlists. sigh. sorry I havent been on skype lately. spring break at home is ... odd and unproductive when I really need to be productive, to say the least.
March 21, 2008, 02:20 AMttt
March 18, 2008, 08:42 PMhello simalin, bookmark the lessons you like to add (they will be in the "your lessons" list then), add chinesepod in podcasts on itunes, there will be a list of your bookmarked lessons in gray...and a button to download after each lesson title... - does it work?