关于中文或汉语(about chinese)
April 05, 2008, 07:38 PM posted in General Discussion首先,我要对大家说,我是一个中国人。(Fisrt of all. I want to talk you that I'm a chinese.)
看到世界上有这么多人在学汉语,心里非常高兴。就想和大家一起来谈谈中国,让你,还有我更好地认识中国,了解中国的文化。假如你在学习中有什么困难,我很乐意并全力帮助你。(I am glad that there are many men stusying chinese. so I would like talk about china.then make you and I more know and understand China and chinese culture. If you have some problems in learning chinese ,I will be glad and do my best to help you .)
我的邮箱地址是:hemulyg@163.com (My e-mail adress:hemulyg@163.com)
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