Thinking in Chinese

April 08, 2008, 11:12 AM posted in General Discussion

I posted in some comments in Chinese this morning under the intermetiate Detroit lesson, wondering why most of the comments were in English rather than Chinese , and the interest revolving around US cities (ok, that was the topic of the day).

This is echoing what very few others have said before,  but got quite some pushback, not to mention endless repeated debates around the issue of learning Chinese characters or not.

One of the responses I gave to the focus being to improve oral skills over writing / reading skill is that I strongly believe one thing writing (in Chinese) helps you with is thinking in Chinese, which helps formulate thoughts and ultimately speak Chinese, a necessary need mirroring listening and understanding.

Since the podcast medium is essentially one way, I guess we should make the most of the blog / conversation channel to reciprocate, something I tried to illustrate below:

And I don't see any reason why simple sentences couldn't be produced from the outset, certainly from Elementaty onwards. As a by-product, we would get much shorter rambling ;-) but much quicker exposure to language generation.

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April 08, 2008, 12:28 PM


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April 09, 2008, 07:38 AM

bbjt, [法语] ‘La porte ouverte a toutes les fenetres ’像中文相声 (xiàngsheng n. cross-talk), 我没办法翻起译来 这样的 [英文] double entendre! 其实,不是法国总统新妻子称为C.B.S.说的,她只引用相声者 Gad Elmaleh的新语

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April 08, 2008, 02:29 PM

I think you're absolutely right goulniky - learning characters and writing Chinese is extremely beneficial to speaking. But I also know that users will join in on the conversations in levels that they are nowhere near. I am "guilty" of that myself - the Detroit lesson is a perfect example. I'm nowhere near Intermediate level, but there were some interesting comments that I wanted to join in on. I do often learn a lot from going into the upper level conversations, but at the same time, I'm not able to form complete thoughts in Chinese (mostly due to lack of grammar). I can form simple sentences, but not complete thoughts. I think to write in half Chinese, half English would be annoying to most people. Basically what I'm saying is that users, who are not able to read/write well (or at all), should not be restricted from joining the conversations in upper level lessons. That would only stunt our growth.

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April 08, 2008, 02:36 PM

很好的建议. 我的新规: 用多一点中文做评论 hĕnhăo de jiànyì。 wŏ de xīn guī: yòng duō yīdiăn zhōngwén zuò pínglùn 不过英文评论给我们很价值的事: bùguò、 yīngwén pínglùn gĕi wŏmen hĕn jiàzhí de shì – (switching back, sorry) insight and personality that doesn't come through with Chinese comments. (Similar to the English banter.) Would not want to see them disappear entirely.

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April 08, 2008, 03:05 PM

你为什么把这个贴字写成英文? 怎么把"rambling", "by-product", "exposure" 什么之类的翻译出来? 写汉字太化时间呗。

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April 08, 2008, 03:09 PM

不好意思。 你为什么把这个你为什么把这个帖子写成英文? 怎么把"rambling", "by-product", "exposure" 什么之类的翻译出来? 写汉字太化时间呗。 看吧。 一写中文就打错了。

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April 08, 2008, 03:32 PM

咱们在Upper Intermediate and Advanced 用多一点汉子。 对我自己来说我有时候有一点懒, 所以用汉子写下来我的意义比较少。 但我和goulniky同意, 写中文让我考虑多一点中文的语法和说法。 (对不起大家, 我不太喜欢用拼音写中文.)

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April 08, 2008, 03:51 PM

I think ChinesePod should have a popup translation system like in the dialogues that works across the comments, that would save us having to include pinyin at lower levels as well.

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April 08, 2008, 04:02 PM

ramble, 东拉西扯 (dōnglā-xīchě) 怎么样, according to Wenlin/根据文林, 这本词典的意思是 to ramble (of speech). by-product -> 副产品 (fùchǎnpǐn) exposure, 我没有办法翻译这个词语。 but sushan 说的对,he is right,a little Chinese is better than none,simple Chinese is ok, we don't need to use 成语, or complex sentences, 不要使用复杂的句子. Voila. Oui, 写汉字太[花 huā]时间, but that time spent is not 浪费 (làngfèi) wasted. Learning Chinese takes a lot of time *anyway*, besides, many of us don't have English as their mother tongue... wildyaks, yes

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April 08, 2008, 06:17 PM

So what's the difference between 我们 and 咱们?

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April 08, 2008, 01:03 PM

不会写汉子的话,写汉语拼音还行了。 Bù huì xiě hànzi dehuà,Hànyǔ Pīnyīn hái xíng le.

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April 08, 2008, 06:39 PM

包括谈话的对方用‘咱们’(zánmen),不包括谈话的对方用‘我们’ ‘咱们’(zánmen) is used to include both the speaker and the person(s) spoken too, while 我们 (wǒmen) may refer to the speaker alone or together with the person or persons spoken to. 如: 我们朋友参加义务劳动,你要是么事儿,咱们一块儿去。不过说‘我们’也可以包括谈话的地方 e.g. We're going to take part in the obligatory labour tomorrow. If you're free, let's go together. I guess what is meant by ' speaker alone' is speaker + other people not other present in the conversation.

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April 08, 2008, 06:41 PM

... 包括 (bāokuò) to include 谈话 tánhuà to talk 对方 duìfāng (the) other side/party

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April 08, 2008, 07:59 PM


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April 09, 2008, 05:53 AM

喝了两杯咖啡心情就好了。 和了四杯带来了一个万能的感觉。 客观的来说水平还是一样差, 可是感觉根本不同。 ;) 昨天两位美女来到办公室, 送给了大家"红牛"这个饮料 (推销活动)。 对我而言不好喝, 还有咖啡因量比我们的浓缩咖啡低, 不够。

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April 09, 2008, 06:30 AM

对营销者来说,客观那个观念似乎没存在 : 事实是事实,不过最重要是主观的感觉。乐观的话,你非相信你的能力不可! 营销者 yíngxiāozhě marketeer 观念 guānniàn n. sense; concept; notion 似乎 sìhū adv. it seems 主观 zhǔguān subjectivity/ subjective 说道"红牛"(Red Bull)那个饮料,虽然咖啡因绿比咖啡低,可是内容还架别的因素,具体的我望了,不过就到很有效! 每当要开十多个小时的车(uh? 开车很长时间),我总是喝。

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April 09, 2008, 06:32 AM

Goulniky, 降低中文播客的重要性 ..."这是敞开大门,向所有窗子" (Carla B.S.). ;o)

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April 09, 2008, 06:37 AM

非 Verb 不可 fēi…bùkě : not (do) impossible = must (do)

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April 09, 2008, 07:18 AM

大家加油啊! Henning,你的中文已经很棒了,不要太有压力,我们大家都在见证你的进步呢! Goulniky, 你给大家树立了一个很好的榜样,继续保持哦! 我对自己学英语的要求是“每天进步一点点”,尽力就好。 甜芳^_^

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April 08, 2008, 06:35 PM

goulnik, 可是。。。我都累了。 每天浪费那么多时间了学习中文, 然而一点进步也没有, 害得我想放弃。 我还是回家好好睡觉,说不定明天就好了。