HiPiHi.com - Chinese Second Life

May 04, 2008, 08:11 PM posted in General Discussion

Has anyone taken a further look at http://www.hipihi.com/ and downloaded the public beta?

I am not too much into second life and virtual worlds. Is there anyone else who can judge what hipihi might offer - in general terms and more specifically for people learning Chinese??

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May 05, 2008, 09:26 PM

Just came across this in Business Week today: Not Much Life in China's Virtual Worlds It seems HiPiHi only has about 48,000 registered users yet it is still the largest of the virtual worlds in China.

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May 05, 2008, 10:46 PM

I played SecondLife for about 12 months.. If I remember, and have the time, I will try and check out HiPiHi.com tonight and let you know my thoughts. On SecondLife I was a developer and sold many programs and items based on programming. Just need to rememebr now...