Vocabulary Flashcards and Matching in Traditional Characters

May 30, 2008, 12:59 AM posted in General Discussion

Is it possible to get the vocabulary cards to run in Traditional Character sets?

Also, as we look at the vocabulary flashcards it would be nice if clicking on the check mark for correct or the X for wrong, would automatically divide the set into characters to repeat and focus on and (those that were marked X) and those that we have learned well (those that were marked correct).   When I use real flashcards I always seperate them into two piles as I go through them untill they all end up in the correct pile.   Could the software here be set up to do the same?


Rice Eater

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May 30, 2008, 01:03 AM

Also, I agree with the others that have posted and said that the default font for posting is set too small.  

Please increase it.   I know we can use ctrl + to make the whole screen bigger, but it should not be necessary the rest of the text on the page is quite readable.  Reading the English in the posts here strains my eyes, and trying to decifer the Chinese characters that I'm not really very familiar with when they are so tiny is really taxing. 

Please, Chinese Pod Web Master, increase the default font size for posting comments.



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June 06, 2008, 03:37 AM


Traditional Character sets in the flash cards would be major improvements. Could a choice be given between pinyin and phonetic symbols also be included? If not could the flexibility of the pinyin be restored?

Many thanks