Learning and memory

May 18, 2007, 02:24 PM posted in General Discussion

I havn't been seeing many of you over at he Praxis blog recently. Today I posted some ideas about memory, memorization, and learning over there. Feel free to check 'em out and critique 'em.

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May 18, 2007, 04:56 PM

Why go across the street when you're having so much fun on this side ;-)

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May 19, 2007, 02:51 AM

ron, The idea was to separate the discussions into 2 parts. Here, on the Connect section, it's all about Chinese and learning specifically. At Praxis, it's more about tech, learning generally, languages generally, and so on. I do miss the days of getting 120 comments on the blog, though!

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May 19, 2007, 07:42 PM

Ken, the Praxis stuff is kind of dry and academic and if I don't see them specifically mentioning Chinese-related matters, even though I'll read them, I quickly leave them to push on to Chinese matters as that is why I'm here. Also the tech side of things goes straight over my head or simply bores me (or both!) You really need to display a link prominently on the homepage for those of us who wish to read about/discuss Chinese topics, both language-learning specifically and culture-related more generally. For example I didn't know you were blogging on the Connect section until just now! I realize all I need to do is click on the your link to subscribe to 'kencarroll's conversations' but I assumed this would only take me to the comments/answers you give on the lessons page, not to the 'Connect' section where you intend to discuss broader issues. I feel sure if you had a link to your (or John's or whomevers) thoughts on Chinese-specific issues then the long discussions would return. Although I'm pretty new to both Cpod and to commenting on the site, I really loved reading those long discussions you provoked on the old V2 site. As a matter of fact I don't even know if the old blog posts are still accessible come to think of it....