Cheap (and reasonable!) hotels in Shanghai
July 07, 2008, 11:27 PM posted in General DiscussionHey all. Anyone have any tips on cheap hotels to stay in while visiting Shanghai? We're looking for a place where a family of four could stay together, without breaking the bank. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
July 08, 2008, 02:05 AMTry Home Inn. Cheap and nice. :) 如家, i think is what it's called in Chinese.
July 08, 2008, 05:34 AMHostels in China are almost always a better bet than budget hotels in my experience though I am not familiar with the Shanghai ones personally. They are smoke free, very English accessible, and most are up to foreigner standards with lots of extras like free wireless and communal kitchens. Here is Hostelling International's Shanghai list.
July 08, 2008, 01:08 AMThe motel 6 of China. There are several locations in Shanghai. Cheap, clean, and neat. No guarantee that the staff will speak english but its manageable for a cpoder. I dont think you will find a better deal - at least not in a place you would want to stay with your family. The prices are very reasonalble.