German - Deutsch

July 13, 2008, 04:16 PM posted in General Discussion

Hab mal versucht die Vokabeln einiger Lektionen ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Vielleicht gibt es ja auch einige hier, die nicht so gut Englisch sprechen. Mein Englisch ist mies und deshalb ...

Zu den ersten Lektionen des Upper Intermediate Levels hab ich in den Kommentaren eine kleine Vokalliste hinzugefügt. Ob alle richtig sind, na ja, wer Fehler findet kann sie ja gerne korrigieren.

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July 13, 2008, 04:32 PM

Hello newbie888. May I please try translating your introduction -- loosely! -- into English for users who don't understand German and might get unnecessarily ruffled? Here goes:

"I have had a go at translating the vocabulary from a few lessons into German. There might be a few users our there who aren't so comfortable with English. My own English is crummy, and so:-

I have added a small vocabulary list in the "Comments" section of the first few Upper-Intermediate lesson. I can't guarantee that everything is correct, so please feel free to correct any errors that you find."

Is that reasonably accurate? For what it's worth, I'd like to add that the tone of this user's post sounds friendly and polite to me. The various short phrases which open each of his/her posts are a simple, friendly disclaimer to the effect, "Okay, here is my attempt for this lesson; again, I can't warrant that there aren't mistakes."

P/s: Instead of creating a separate thread for each lesson's vocab, why don't you consider putting everything in one single thread (like henning's "Intermediate Grammar Points")? 

This will prevent your fresh posts from pushing everything else down and off the front page. And other users will also know where to go to find out if you have covered a particular lesson yet.

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July 13, 2008, 04:44 PM


I would suggest you provide both English and German - that way you learn both in parallel plus do not alienate the users you speak other native languages.