Group 术 (shù)
July 18, 2008, 05:57 AM posted in General Discussion
Motivated by Lesson: B0798 Equestrian
Taken from character: 术
Taken from word: 马术 (equestrian)
术 ( 術, 朮 )
Pron: shù, zhú
Main radical: 木
Frequency: 328
Meaning: very small bug, eggs of mantis
Examples: 技术 (technology, technique, skill), 剑术 (fencing), 马术 (equestrian), 魔术 (magic), 骗术 (trick, deceit), 信息技术 (IT), 艺术 (art), 战术 (tactics)
Pron: shù
Main radical: 辶
Frequency: 674
Meaning: to narrate, to state, to express
Examples: 复述 (repeat, retell), 讲述 (to talk about), 描述 (to describe), 上述 (above mentioned)
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