熬出 áochū r.v. hold out to the end 饱受 bǎoshòu v. endure one's fill of (hardship) 报答 bàodá v. repay 悲痛 bēitòng s.v. grieved 奔波 bēnbō v. work very hard 奔赴 bēnfù v. hurry to 搏斗 bódòu v. wrestle; fight 斗争 dòuzhēng v./n. fight 斗志 dòuzhì n. fighting spirit 关怀 guānhuái v./n. show loving care for 呵护 hēhù n. divine protection 坚强 jiānqiáng s.v. strong 坚韧 jiānrèn s.v. firm and tenacious 坚韧不拔 jiānrènbùbá f.e. dauntless 坚实 jiānshí s.v. robust 坚信 jiānxìn v. believe firmly 煎熬 jiān'áo n./v. torture; torment 敬慕 jìngmù v. respect and admire 迈进 màijìn r.v. forge ahead 摸黑 mōhēi v.o. grope in the dark 磨砺 mólì v. discipline oneself 期盼 qīpàn n. expectation 奇迹 qíjì n. miracle 情绪 qíngxù n. morale 体贴 tǐtiē s.v. showing consideration for 顽强 wánqiáng s.v. tenacious 圆满成功 yuánmǎn chénggōng v.p. be crowned with complete success 赞扬 zànyáng v. praise
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August 07, 2008, 08:58 AMVocabulary selection:
熬出 áochū r.v. hold out to the end
饱受 bǎoshòu v. endure one's fill of (hardship)
报答 bàodá v. repay
悲痛 bēitòng s.v. grieved
奔波 bēnbō v. work very hard
奔赴 bēnfù v. hurry to
搏斗 bódòu v. wrestle; fight
斗争 dòuzhēng v./n. fight
斗志 dòuzhì n. fighting spirit
关怀 guānhuái v./n. show loving care for
呵护 hēhù n. divine protection
坚强 jiānqiáng s.v. strong
坚韧 jiānrèn s.v. firm and tenacious
坚韧不拔 jiānrènbùbá f.e. dauntless
坚实 jiānshí s.v. robust
坚信 jiānxìn v. believe firmly
煎熬 jiān'áo n./v. torture; torment
敬慕 jìngmù v. respect and admire
迈进 màijìn r.v. forge ahead
摸黑 mōhēi v.o. grope in the dark
磨砺 mólì v. discipline oneself
期盼 qīpàn n. expectation
奇迹 qíjì n. miracle
情绪 qíngxù n. morale
体贴 tǐtiē s.v. showing consideration for
顽强 wánqiáng s.v. tenacious
圆满成功 yuánmǎn chénggōng v.p. be crowned with complete success
赞扬 zànyáng v. praise