著名影星陶玉玲的抗癌故事 added
September 02, 2008, 03:16 PM posted in General Discussionadded 著名影星陶玉玲的抗癌故事 / 筱丹 story under section 明星篇.
她是一代人记忆中的娴淑、坚毅的“春妮”,乐观、善良的“二妹子”; 她是几代影迷永远不老的偶像,她是中国影坛同行们尊敬的前辈,后辈们学习的楷模; 银幕上,她为一代人甚至几代人缔造了很多的电影佳话; 银幕下,她但是电影明星,也是建议的抗癌斗士。她就是著名影视表演艺术家一陶玉玲。
记忆 jìyì n. memory
坚毅 jiānyì s.v. firm; with inflexible wills
乐观 lèguān s.v. optimistic
善良 shànliáng s.v. good and kind
影迷 yǐngmí n. movie fan
偶像 ǒuxiàng n. idol; model
影坛 yǐngtán movie/film circles
楷模 kǎimó n. model; example
银幕 yínmù n. (motion-picture) screen
缔造 dìzào v. found; create
佳话 jiāhuà n. charming/much-told tale
斗士 dòushì n. warrior
August 08, 2008, 07:18 AMVocabulary selection:
叮嘱 dīngzhǔ v. urge repeatedly; exhort
赋予 fùyǔ v. endow; entrust
患难夫妻 huànnàn fūqī n. husband and wife who have gone through difficult times together
患难与共 huànnànyǔgòng f.e. go through thick and thin together
换取 huànqǔ v. get in return
记忆犹新 jìyìyóuxīn f.e. remain fresh in one's memory
精益求精 jīngyìqiújīng f.e. keep improving
眷顾 juàngù v. have tender feelings for
开朗 kāilǎng s.v. sanguine; optimistic
楷模 kǎimó n. model; example
流露 liúlù v. reveal unintentionally
磨难 mónàn n. hardship; suffering
品德 pǐndé n. moral character
钦佩 qīnpèi v. admire; esteem; respect
深切 shēnqiè s.v. heartfelt; deep
撕心裂肺 sīxīnlièfèi f.e. extreme grief
拖累 tuōlěi v. be a burden on
无微不至 wúwēibùzhì f.e. meticulous
无畏 wúwèi s.v. fearless
相濡以沫 xiāngrúyǐmò id. help each other when both are in humble circumstances
自始至终 zìshǐzhìzhōng f.e. from beginning to end