一切从快乐出发 added

September 02, 2008, 03:21 PM posted in General Discussion

added 一切从快乐出发 / 因梦 story, under section 明星篇

娄乃鸣,国内著名女导演。1994-2006年中央电视台春节联欢晚会小品导演导演家喻户晓小品《黄世仁与杨白劳》、《浪漫的事》。早期《实话实说主持人导演百集情景喜剧《圈内圈外》、《闲人马大姐》等。 导演 dǎoyǎn n. director
联欢晚会 liánhuān wǎnhuì n. gathering; party M:次
小品 xiǎopǐn n. short artistic creation
家喻户晓 jiāyùhùxiǎo f.e. become a household word
实话实说 shíhuàshíshuō f.e. tell the ruth; not mince words
主持人 zhǔchírén n. host; anchor
喜剧 xǐjù n. comedy M:出
闲人 xiánrén n. idler


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August 14, 2008, 07:07 AM

Vocabulary selection:

承受力 chéngshòulì n. capability of adapting oneself
烦躁不安 fánzàobù'ān f.e. set one's nerves on edge
反反复复 fǎnfǎnfùfù r.f. repeatedly; again and again
浑身上下 húnshēnshàngxià f.e. all over the body
既来之则安之 jìláizhī-zé'ānzhī f.e. since you're already (here) in this situation, take it easy.
家喻户晓 jiāyùhùxiǎo f.e. become a household word
恋恋不舍 liànliànbùshě f.e. hate to let go of
松松垮垮 sōngsongkuǎkuǎ r.f. be slack and perfunctory
痛不欲生 tòngbùyùshēng f.e. be so grieved as to wish one were dead
痛惜 tòngxī v. deeply regret; deplore
五花大绑 wǔhuādàbǎng f.e. truss up tightly
一丝一毫 yīsī-yīháo n. an iota; a trace
因果报应 yīnguǒbàoyìng f.e. retribution; karma
脏兮兮 zāngxīxī r.f. very dirty
昼夜不停 zhòuyèbùtíng f.e. around the clock