封顺先生的抗癌经历 added

September 02, 2008, 03:23 PM posted in General Discussion

added 封顺先生的抗癌经历 / 任奏生 story, under section 明星篇

一谈起癌症人们就感到惧怕,一提笔写癌症二字手就颤抖,一听到自己得癌症就像压在三口家的一座山。人都有得病的几率,一个人得一种癌症疾病的有之,一个人得两种癌症疾病的少,一个人得胃癌肺癌糖尿病三大疾病就更少。我的岳父大人,北京电影制片厂著名的老演员,封先生就是这样一位三大疾病缠身的人间奇迹者。 癌症 áizhèng n. cancer
惧怕 jùpà v. fear; dread
颤抖 chàndǒu v. shake; quiver; shiver
几率 jīlǜ n. probability
疾病 jíbìng n. disease; illness M:种
胃癌 wèi'ái n. stomach cancer
肺癌 fèi'ái n. lung cancer
糖尿病 tángniàobìng n. diabetes
岳父 yuèfù n. wife's father; father-in-law
疾病缠身 jíbìngchánshēn f.e. be riddled with diseases
奇迹 qíjì n. miracle; wonder


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August 15, 2008, 06:29 PM

Vocabulary selection:

不甘寂寞 bùgānjìmò f.e. unwilling to remain out of the limelight
揣摩 chuǎimó v. ①try to figure out ②ponder; speculate
疾病缠身 jíbìngchánshēn f.e. be riddled with diseases
精神状态 jīngshén zhuàngtài n. state of mind
精益求精 jīngyìqiújīng f.e. keep improving
灵丹妙药 língdānmiàoyào f.e. miraculous cure
舒畅 shūchàng s.v. happy; worry-free
谈笑风生 tánxiàofēngshēng f.e. charm with fascinating volubility
潇洒 xiāosǎ s.v. natural and unrestrained
要素 yàosù n. essential factor; key element
忧虑 yōulǜ s.v. worried; anxious
众所周知 zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī f.e. as everyone knows