Abu Dhabi : world first green city in the desert

January 26, 2008, 09:49 AM posted in General Discussion







2008年01月25日   图片   图片   图片   

阿联酋将在沙漠世界首座“零炭城”沙漠 shāmò p.w. desert
jiàn v. ①build; construct; erect
零碳 líng tàn zero-carbon
阿拉伯联合酋长国在首都阿布扎比郊区一座环保城。环保沙漠中,将成为世界上首个达到零碳、零废物标准的城市,可谓沙漠中的绿色乌托邦”。这一计划已酝酿多年,21日正式对外公布 nǐ v. ①draw up; draft ②intend; plan
郊区 jiāoqū outskirts
环保 huán-bǎo n. environmental protection
废物 fèiwù n. ①refuse; trash
标准 biāozhǔn norm /s.v.
可谓 kěwèi v.p. one may well say
绿色 lǜsè n. green color
乌托邦 wūtuōbāng p.w. Utopia
对外 duìwài attr. external
阿联酋是世界最大石化产品生产国之一,却投资兴建世界第一座“零碳城”,这一反引人注目石化 shíhuà v. petrify
投资 tóuzī n. investment
兴建 xīngjiàn v. build; construct
一反 yīfǎn v. reversal of (past practice)
引人注目 yǐnrénzhùmù spectacular; catch one's eye
世界自然基金会“生活在同一星球”计划负责人让—保罗·让勒诺说:“阿布扎比今天上新的旅程,成为全球可再生能源革命的中心。自然 zìrán s.v. natural
基金会 jījīnhuì n. ①foundation
负责 fùzé be in charge of
tà tread; stamp
旅程 lǚchéng n. route
再生能源 zàishēng néngyuán n. renewable sources of energy
革命 gémìng revolution
阿拉伯风情布局别具一格的大学。零石油科技城。风情 fēngqíng n.④local conditions and customs
布局 bùjú n. ①overall arrangement
别具一格 biéjùyīgé f.e. have a unique style
石油 shíyóu n. petroleum
科技 kējì n. science and technology
新闻公布 gōngbù v. announce; publish
地理阿拉伯 Ālābó n./attr. Arab(ic)
阿联酋 Āliánqiú UAE
阿布扎比 Ābùzhābǐ Abu Dhabi
阿拉伯联合酋长国 Ālābó Liánhé Qiúzhǎngguó United Arab Emirates

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January 30, 2008, 10:43 PM

It is quite intereesting to read these news stories. The language is a bit different from what we are used to.

I suggest : 石化 = "petrochemical industry" What (or who) is —保罗·让勒诺 ?

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January 31, 2008, 05:24 AM

thx marcelbdt. '—' is a long dash, not number one '一' 保罗·让勒诺 is a person's name, Paolo somebody, I didn't look it up. The '·' separator also hints to that.

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January 31, 2008, 05:26 AM

Also note that I've been traveling these 2 days, may not be able to post new entries until Friday morning Western European time.

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February 01, 2008, 01:27 AM


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February 01, 2008, 05:45 AM

我是在药品公司工作,几年前有一个阿联酋酋长的太太想减肥。那个国家还没推出我们的药物,所以他们打电话给我们瑞士的总公司,请我们准备一批药盒给她, 以后马上派遣飞机,真的! 是不是钱?