Shanghai : Sonjiang futuristic waterhole resort

February 01, 2008, 10:00 AM posted in General Discussion






2008年01月30日   照片   照片   照片   照片   照片   讨论   

水坑竟然设计出了这样一座大酒店水坑 shuǐkēng n. water hole
竟然 jìngrán adv. unexpectedly
设计 shèjì v./n. plan
本作品为新华网网友提供,本网不负责证实原创性真实性,如转载请与作者本人联系提供 tígōng offer
负责 fùzé v. be responsible for
证实 zhèngshí v. confirm
原创性 yuánchuàngxìng n. creativity
真实性 zhēnshíxìng n. authenticity
著名建筑设计团队Akins曾设计了不少著名的迪拜酒店桥梁大厦设计精美堪称一绝,近来,其在一项国际设计大奖赛凭借上海松江大酒店设计获得了最高奖。建筑 jiànzhù n.②architecture
团队 tuánduì n. team
桥梁 qiáoliáng n. bridge M:zuò 座
大厦 dàshà p.w. building M:zuò 座
精美 jīngměi s.v. exquisite; elegant
堪称 kānchēng v. can be rated as
一绝 yījué n. unique
大奖赛 dàjiǎngsài n. contest with big awards M:chǎng 场
凭借 píngjiè thanks to
获得 huòdé win; achieve
上海松江有个100米深石场,还有一个小。Atkins设计公司就在这里设计了一个22世纪风格的五星级的松江大酒店建筑宏伟壮观,有一组瀑布状的玻璃幕墙,非常漂亮。这还是一座极为环保建筑,整个酒店屋顶种满绿草,石场为酒店提供良好温度控制酒店总共能住1000位客人,他们可以享受酒店里的餐厅咖啡厅健身房宴会厅水下水族馆会议厅泳池攀岩...... hú n. lake
世纪 shìjì n. century
风格 fēnggé n. ①style
宏伟 hóngwěi s.v. magnificent
壮观 zhuàngguān n. magnificent sight
瀑布 pùbù n. waterfall
玻璃 bōli n. ①glass
幕墙 mùqiáng n. screen wall M:dào/dǔ 倒/堵
极为 jíwéi adv. extremely
环保 huán-bǎo n. environmental protection
屋顶 wūdǐng n. roof; housetop
绿草 lǜcǎo n. green grass
良好 liánghǎo v.p. good
温度 wēndù n. temperature
控制 kòngzhì v./n. control
总共 zǒnggòng adv. in all
享受 xiǎngshòu v. enjoy
新闻转载 zhuǎnzǎi v. reprint elsewhere
地理国际 guójì attr. international
上海 Shànghǎi p.w. Shanghai
迪拜 Díbài Dubai
网络网友 wǎngyǒu n. netizens
联系 liánxì n. link
旅游旅游 lǚyóu v./n. tourism
酒店 jiǔdiàn p.w. ③hotel ④restaurant M:jiā 家
餐厅 cāntīng p.w. ①dining room/hall ②restaurant M:jiā/jiān 家/间
咖啡厅 kāfēitīng p.w. café; coffee house M:jiā/jiān 家/间
健身房 jiànshēnfáng n. gymnasium; gym M:jiān 间
宴会厅 yànhuìtīng p.w. banquet hall M:zuò 座
水下 shuǐxià attr. underwater; submerged
水族馆 shuǐzúguǎn p.w. aquarium (to visit) M:zuò 座
会议厅 huìyìtīng p.w. conference/assembly hall M:ge/zuò 个/座
泳池 yǒngchí p.w. swimming pool M:zuò 座
攀岩 pānyán v.o. climb or clamber up a rock wall

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February 01, 2008, 11:51 AM

了不起 ! This sort of project could only work in China. What's the point in spending time in a dark waterhole.

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August 25, 2008, 01:41 PM


Thank you, goulnik!

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February 01, 2008, 03:58 PM


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February 02, 2008, 01:08 AM


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February 02, 2008, 01:16 AM


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August 19, 2008, 08:33 AM


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August 19, 2008, 10:58 AM

now that's interesting... I knew that ChinesePod had plans to exfiltrate my 88news group, didn't know they had done it yet.

reformatting seems to work very well, only issue is dictionary links which Clay had once said would be permanent no longer work, e.g. 水坑  (

the other thing : I may not have time to post news too often, so in case s.o. wants to volunteer help, please contact me...

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February 01, 2008, 03:33 PM


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August 22, 2008, 12:54 PM

a fellow Cpoddie already showed interest and might take over at some stage, no promise though. In any event, we first need to work out a few formatting issues with the new system.

aside from the migration, the main reason this went on hold is tnat I re-prioritized my time budget ...

les mêmes causes produisent les mêmes effets


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August 22, 2008, 01:04 PM


away from Chinese or just a shift within the Chinese slot?

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August 25, 2008, 09:44 AM

away ? no way. but remember the group I started a few weeks back around cancer, unlike news, that require typing in all 300+ pages, yes 手工输入 ! I also decided only listen to Chinese-only podcasts from now on (CPod 高中级、高级、媒体), and my morning practice with Vera have taken a 高级 focus, 所以说 news are now on the back burner...

癌症说“不”         《对癌症说“不” ──百名癌症患者故事》 
Say NO to Cancer 100 Stories by Chinese Cancer Patients

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August 25, 2008, 10:07 AM

and just to contradict myself, since formatting flexibility has resumed (thanks John), here's news sequel #1

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August 25, 2008, 10:14 AM


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August 22, 2008, 12:12 PM

This definately should go on. It was part of my stúdy routine...

Unfortunately I do not have any time left in my Chinese-slot. Following the lessons, trying to catch up with 红楼梦, and reading a news item once in a while is already more than my 90-minute time budget can handle.